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secure outdoor space for occupants and owners of the Property; <br />protecting the public from unsightly conditions by implementing design <br />elements that are consistent with the architecture, styling, size, and <br />scale of the Residence, while preserving, complementing, and paying <br />tribute to its historically significant features; and preserving and <br />maximizing the history of the City by contributing to the uniqueness <br />and character of homes in Floral Park. <br />The Application is consistent with the Design Standards governing <br />additions to historical structures by facilitating a desirable and <br />necessary addition to existing improvements in a manner that: <br />preserves and does not physically alter historic and architectural <br />features of the Residence; preserves design elements, details and <br />materials utilized in the existing Residence in a historically sensitive <br />and accurate manner; is physically separated from the existing <br />Residence thereby clearly delineating the old construction from the <br />new; and is of a height, scale, design, and material that complements <br />the overall character, scale, proportion, massing, and detailing of the <br />Residence. <br />The Application is consistent with the Standard's provisions governing <br />fences and walls on historic properties, because the proposed wall: is <br />ornamental in nature and constructed of stucco with wrought iron gates <br />which are compatible with Residence; is compatible with the existing <br />neighborhood which boasts residences, fencing, walls, and vegetation <br />of unique designs, colors, and styles, and of varying heights; is only as <br />tall as necessary to preserve its decorative and screening function, <br />while simultaneously remaining compatible with the architecture and <br />scale of the Residence; and includes iron gates that mirror iron <br />features adoring the Residence. The design of the proposed wall is not <br />exaggerated and does not create a fortressing look given: the styling <br />and scale of the Residence; entry gates providing sight -lines to the <br />Residence; and availability of unobstructed views over the wall, <br />particularly given the Residence's location on an elevated grade. <br />B. That the granting of a variance or minor exception is necessary for the <br />preservation and enjoyment of one (1) or more substantial property <br />rig hts. <br />Approving the Application is necessary for the preservation and <br />enjoyment of substantial property rights, including but not limited to the <br />right to: use and enjoy residential of property as a private residence; <br />and use and enjoyment of private outdoor space that is safe, secure, <br />and protected from vehicular and pedestrian traffic and associated <br />environmental issues. Absent the application, the special <br />