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Analysis of City of Santa Ana Reserve Funds <br />Page 4 <br />The Economic Uncertainty Reserve Fund was funded in Fiscal Year 2012-13 with a $3.85 million <br />contribution. This was made possible by General Fund revenues exceeding General Fund expenditures <br />at the end of the 2012-13 fiscal year. This reserve amount has not changed through the 2015-16 fiscal <br />year. The current amount represents a 1.5% reserve level. <br />Governmental Accounting Standards Board, ("GASB") Statement No. 54 states that governmental funds' <br />fund balances should be classified based primarily on the extent of which the City is bound to honor the <br />constraints on the specific purposes for which the amounts in the funds can be spent. Both the <br />Operating Reserve Account and the Economic Uncertainty Account have been correctly classified as an <br />Unassigned Fund Balance. An Unassigned Fund Balance is an amount that does not have legal or <br />committed restrictions on its use. <br />City staff has recently brought to the City Council for their consideration revisions to the Fiscal and <br />Budget Policy. After reviewing the recommended changes, KAMG supports the changes. The revisions <br />will keep the City of Santa Ana up to date with the current best practices for establishing and <br />maintaining local government fund reserves. <br />The City is recommending a target reserve balance of two months of operating expenditures. This <br />equates to about 16.67% of operating expenditures and is an acceptable amount. In addition, KAMG <br />recommends a five -to ten-year expenditure projection be prepared to forecast the growth in General <br />Fund expenditures because the dollar amount tied to the 16.67% will grow with the increase in General <br />Fund expenditures. <br />Significant PERS rate increases are anticipated over the next five to ten years. Because pension costs are <br />a large part of the General Fund budget, these potential rate increases will drive the total General Fund <br />budget up. This will in turn drive up the two month operating reserve (16.67%) requirement. The more <br />that funds have to be allocated to meet the operating reserve requirement, the more strain will be put <br />on the overall General Fund budget to fund any other reserve accounts, or to fund any potential city <br />project. <br />By preparing the five to ten year financial projection, the City will be aware of what monetary <br />commitments will be required annually to meet the reserve policy. This will impact the annual budget <br />process. <br />The City is not proposing any fiscal policy changes to the Economic Uncertainty Reserve.. The 10% <br />reserve level is still the goal for the City. KAMG recommends that the City Council make it a priority to <br />try and fund this reserve up to the 5% level. At June 30, 2016, the reserve is at 1.5%. The 3.5% increase <br />would equate to an approximate contribution to reserves of $7 million, based on the 2015-16 actual <br />expenditures. <br />Putting the two reserve amounts together, the overall goal of the City would be to obtain a 21.67% <br />(16.67% plus 5%) reserve level. This is a sound financial goal that meets best practices standards. <br />LIMM <br />