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Judson Brown, City of Santa Ana March 1, 2017 <br />Santa Ana Arts Collective: Financial Gap Analysis Page 4 <br />AHSC Loan Limits <br />In October 2016, the Developer was awarded $7.80 million in capital funds from the AHSC <br />Program. However, AHSC Program Loan Limits are primarily based on the type of Tax Credits <br />utilized, and 9% Tax Credit projects must utilize lower loan limits than 4% Tax Credit projects. <br />When the Project was awarded 9% Tax Credits in November 2016, the AHSC award was reduced <br />by approximately $3 million —from $7.80 million to $4.90 million. <br />POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR THE UNFUNDED FINANCIAL GAP <br />Additional Funding Sources <br />The Developer is pursing two options to obtain additional funding from outside funding sources. <br />If the Developer is successful with either of the two outside funding options, it is anticipated <br />that the Project will not exhibit an unfunded financial gap. As such, the Developer would not <br />request additional funds from the City. The two options being pursued are as follows: <br />9% Tax Credit /4% Tax Credit Hybrid structure <br />The volatility in the Tax Credit markets, and the subsequent drop in Tax Credit equity rates, have <br />created additional financial gaps for many Tax Credit projects. To mitigate this loss, TCAC is <br />proposing to create a 99,6/4% Hybrid Structure to help fund a portion of impacted projects' <br />financial gaps. This structure requires the developer to subdivide or legally separate a project <br />into two separate projects with one project receiving the awarded 9% Tax Credits and the other <br />project receiving a new award of 4% Tax Credits. The creation of a separate 4% Tax Credit <br />project generates additional Tax Credit equity. However, this structure has never been <br />undertaken before, and thus, there are many uncertainties regarding its viability. <br />The AHSC award also creates potential impediments to using this proposed hybrid Tax Credit <br />structure. The Developer is corresponding with HCD regarding the following issues: <br />1. Given that the Project would need to be legally separated into two projects, the AHSC <br />award would also need to be separated. HCD has no programmatic process to <br />accomplish this, and is uncertain if they have the flexibility to implement a new process. <br />2. HCD will require separate deeds of trust for the 9% project and the 4% project. The <br />Developer's legal counsel advised that it may be difficult to obtain approval of this <br />structure from HCD's legal counsel. <br />The Developer has not yet obtained a definitive answer from HCD as to whether this is a viable <br />option. If the Developer can pursue this structure, it is likely that it will produce sufficient <br />1703001:SNA:TRB <br />19090.014.007 <br />80A-22 <br />