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Natalie Verlinich, City of Santa Ana April 15, 2016 <br />First Street Apartments: Financial Gap Analysis Page 11 <br />Financial Gap Calculation (Table 3) <br />Available Funding Sources <br />The outside funding sources anticipated to be received by the Project are estimated at <br />$19.71 million. These funding sources can be described as follows: <br />Permanent Loan — Base Net Operating Income <br />To estimate the maximum permanent loan that can be supported by the Project's base <br />income, KMA assumed that the loan would be underwritten at a 115% debt service <br />coverage ratio, a 5.0% interest rate, and a 35 -year amortization period. Based on these <br />assumptions, KMA estimates that the $488,800 in Base Net Operating Income can <br />support a $7.02 million permanent loan. <br />Permanent Loan — PBV Subsidy <br />To estimate the maximum permanent loan that can be supported by the eight PBVs, <br />KMA assumed that the loan would be underwritten at a 115% debt service coverage <br />ratio, a 5.0% interest rate, and a 35 -year amortization period. Based on these <br />assumptions, KMA estimates that the $101,600 in PBV income can support a $1.46 <br />million permanent loan. <br />Tax Credit Proceeds <br />Tax Credit Basis <br />It can be assumed that the Project's eligible Tax Credit basis is equal to the lesser of the <br />depreciable costs for the 69 Tax Credit units, or the basis limits established by TCAC. <br />KMA calculated the eligible Tax Credit basis as follows: <br />1. The Project's depreciable costs are estimated at $20.39 million, and the <br />threshold basis limits applied by TCAC equal $17.67 million. <br />2. The threshold basis limit is less than the depreciable costs. As such, the Project's <br />eligible basis is set at $17.67 million. <br />1604007:SA;TRB <br />19090.014.001 <br />