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Judson Brown, City of Santa Ana <br />May 12, 2017 <br />First Street Apartments Financial Feasibility <br />Page 7 of 7 <br />Financing Deficit <br />As noted, absent the need achieve a successful tiebreaker score in the CTCAC completion for 9% credits, <br />the Project would not exhibit a financing deficit. The City must decide, based on an expectation of the <br />successful tie-breaker score, the amount of subsidy necessary to achieve that score. <br />Operating Expenses and Operating Pro Forma <br />The Developer proposes annual operating expenses per unit of approximately $4,920 per unit not <br />including reserves, based on expenses of its recently completed projects in the region, e.g., Ocean <br />Apartments in Huntington Beach. CSG has not examined specific support for these estimates; they seem <br />on the lower end of the spectrum but not out of the question for an efficient manager. <br />The Developer's proposed operating pro forma uses standard underwriting requirements for tax -credit <br />and bond financing projects: annual income inflation at 2.5% and annual expense inflation of 3.5%; <br />vacancy of 5% annually. These underwriting assumptions along with calculated debt service on the CCRC <br />senior permanent mortgages results in an initial year debt service coverage (DCR) of 1.15, with increasing <br />DCR each year there after. The Developer's proposed operating pro forma indicates a healthy project <br />from an operational perspective. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Project will be competing for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Absent the CTCAC particular tie- <br />breaker — and maximum deferred developer fee -- the project would not require funds from the City. <br />However, the nature of the CTCAC competition requires committed public funds in order to be <br />successful. The City must decide the level of tie-breaker it wishes to target in combination with the <br />amount of City funds necessary to achieve that target. <br />CSG Iadvisors SAN FRANCISCO •80A"67 LOS ANGELES NEW YORK <br />