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background checks/live-scans. Additionally, youth WIOA participants will be able to participate <br />in the City of Santa Ana Employee Blue Skies program and receive incentives for using an <br />alternate mode of transportation to commute to and from work each day ( please refer to letter of <br />intent F13 and attachment W-12 for benefits of the Blue Skies program) <br />O. Include the Supportive Service Policy as Attachment G.: Attached <br />13. Incentives <br />A. Will your organization provide incentives to youth for accomplishing program <br />benchmarks or personal goals, if so, please describe. <br />No, we do not provide incentives as our focus is in providing a paid work experience and <br />training. We do however have a scholarship program that has been established by one of our <br />previous WIA Seeds to Trees youth interns; "The Moises Garcia Seeds to Trees" Scholarship <br />which provides an annual scholarship of $300 to a WIOA youth. Incentives are provided via the <br />Blue Skies supportive service program that all WIOA youth will be enrolled in. The youth will <br />be eligible for the following incentives from the Blue Sky program: Carpooling $20-$60 a <br />month, Bus users: $45 a month; Biking and walking $20-$45 <br />B. Include the Incentive Policy as attachment H — <br />Not Applicable <br />14. Follow -Um Services <br />A. Youth Service Providers are required to provide follow-up services to youth participants <br />The Seeds to Trees program will provide follow up services for these time periods. <br />B. Elaborate on the types of services that will be provided to youth during each quarter <br />during the 12 mouth follow-up period. <br />Youth will be provided the following services and activities during the 12 month follow up <br />period: <br />1. College Counseling (Provided by Santa Ana College): Santa Ana College will continue to <br />provide up to 2 hours of one-on-one College Counseling to youth after exit, to help them keep <br />on track in the post -secondary educational pursuits. <br />2.2016 Summer Youth Leadership Institute: Youth Interns will continue internships in the <br />summer months at the Summer Youth Leadership Institute Program. <br />3. Digital Media Apprenticeships: 8-10 interns from 2015-2016 will be hired as library pages <br />in July of 2016,and will serve as digital media apprentices and peer mentors for the 2016-2017 <br />incoming WIOA youth. <br />C. Describe if your organization will provide case management, job retention services, <br />mentoring, and ensure the participants attains their goals. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />