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2017-18 Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center <br />Youth Employment Program - WIOA Proposal <br />encourage and support participants to complete credentials. When participants <br />complete their credential, they receive an incentive during the 2nd quarter of the <br />follow up. During the 3rd quarter follow up, the Counselor will once again check on <br />the participant's progress. The Counselor will meet with the participants bi-weekly, <br />and make any scheduled changes to best fit the participant. If participant completes <br />a credential, they will receive an incentive during 4th quarter follow up. <br />5. Percent of participants who, during the program, are in education or training that <br />leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment AND who are <br />achieving measurable skills gains. Participants will meet with the educational <br />counselor every month to discuss their educational goals. They will take an ONET <br />assessment that will guide them in figuring out their strengths and weaknesses, as <br />well as potential careers that fall in that category. Furthermore, meetings will be <br />tailored to research majors and schools that contain the adequate resources to be <br />successful. All participants will be enrolled in a credential program at the beginning <br />of the program. The Counselor will meet with participants to receive monthly <br />updates, and verify the participant's progress with the teacher. <br />6. Effectiveness in serving employers. WIOA Participants are eligible to continue to <br />meet with the Case Manager and Job developer though out the year, and as <br />necessary, to continue to gain employment training to improve their work ethics, <br />and job skills to keep moving forward and improving at their current work sites. <br />16. Prior Outcomes <br />A. If your organization was previously awarded a WIOA contract through the Santa Ana <br />Workforce Investment Board, OC Workforce Investment Board or Anaheim Workforce <br />Investment Board please disclose your organization's past performance outcomes for the <br />past 1-2 years from each WIB if applicable: OCCTAC has been providing the WIOA program <br />to Santa Ana youth for the past 9 years! Please see bellow our outcomes for the last 3 years. <br />PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES (Santa Ana WIB) <br />Common Measures "`" � <br />301112 � �°{ <br />201'213-' :�� � <br />2.01314''-y'F3 "_ <br />Increased Literacy/NumeracySkills <br />19/21=90% <br />17/23=74% <br />19/20=95% <br />Entered Employment or <br />18/22=81% <br />20/21=95% <br />11/15= 73% <br />Post -Secondary <br />Attained Credential/ Diploma/ <br />13/14=92% <br />14/17=82% <br />4/6 = 67% <br />Certificate <br />17.Fiscal Competency <br />EXHIBITA <br />