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2017-18 Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center <br />Youth Employment Program - WIOA Proposal <br />whenever more than one thousand dollars (in either cash or check) has been received and <br />recorded by the OCCTAC office. All items to be deposited are and shall be stamped "For <br />Deposit Only" to the Account of OCCTAC with the appropriate bank account number. A <br />deposit form for established OCCTAC accounts shall be completed with deposit slip details <br />for cash or multiple checks. A copy of the deposit form, slip and all items to be deposited <br />shall be made for accounting purposes and upon completion of the deposit attached to the <br />deposit slip and turned into the accounting revenue in -box. To ensure appropriate financial <br />controls, the individual making deposits shall not be the same person reconciling the OCCTAC <br />account. All funds received shall be recorded in the accounting system and filed in the <br />locked accounting file cabinet. <br />Disbursements: All disbursements are and shall be made by checks drawn on the established <br />operating checking account for the OCCTAC. All disbursements shall utilize pre -numbered <br />checks used in sequence. Any and all "voided" checks are and shall be mutilated and notes <br />on the voided check stub. At no time shall disbursements be made to "bearer" or to "cash". <br />All banking materials, records, blank checks, and deposit books are and shall be maintained <br />in secure cabinets in the OCCTAC office under the supervision of the Executive Director and <br />Accounting clerk. Only those individuals authorized to handle check stock as their part of <br />their accounting duties for OCCTAC account shall have access to these banking materials. <br />Disbursements are prepared from original invoices. Each disbursement shall require <br />submission of a purchase request form and appropriate backup documentation. Invoices <br />shall be date stamped upon receipt and marked "approved for payment." <br />Reconciliation of Accounts: All OCCTAC bank accounts are reconciled monthly. A monthly <br />review of all accounts and financial reports are prepared by the Board Treasurer or <br />designated Finance Committee Member. <br />Files and Records: OCCTAC shall maintain hard copy files for all operational and business <br />transactions that occur. Files shall be separated into the following categories: a) Accounting <br />records, b) Grant documentation, c) Tax filings; Donors, d) Legal/Insurance/License /Permits, <br />e) OCCTAC Programs, f) Personnel documents and files, g) Vendor and Client contracts and <br />other documents. OCCTAC maintains electronic and hardcopy records of all accounting <br />transactions and financial reporting. All electronic records are be copied and stored in a <br />secure, off site location or in a web based file storage system, which is the server. All <br />financial and accounting hardcopy files are stored in secure --lockable file cabinets. Requests <br />for financial documentation get processed through the accounting staff i.e. copy of original <br />document. Original financial documentation remains in the file/s cabinet at all times. <br />D. Describe invoicing process and list qualifications of staff assigned to task. OCCTAC <br />accounting clerk creates monthly WIOA invoices to submit to the City based on expenses <br />incurred during the month. After the Coordinator and the Executive Director review and <br />approve the program expenses, the Accounting clerk enters the data from the participants' <br />stipends and/or time sheets, program staff as well as related expenses into the accounting <br />system to generate an invoice. The invoice will be on the appropriate form provided by the <br />WIOA Contract and submitted for reimbursement. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />