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(8) Termite reports pertaining to the Property every fifth (5w) year. <br />(9) Such other information as may be reasonably required by the City Manager or <br />his/her designee. <br />b. Records and Audits. Owner shall maintain the following general program <br />records, and make them available for inspection by the City, the State or HUD: <br />(1) records which demonstrate that the project meets the property standard <br />specified in 24 CFR 92.251; <br />(2) records, for each Restricted Unit, which demonstrates that the project <br />meets the requirements of 24 CFR 92.252. <br />(3) records which demonstrate compliance with the tenant and participant <br />protections, as specified in 24 Section 29.253; <br />(4) records which demonstrate compliance with the Equal Opportunity and <br />Fair Housing requirements outlined in these Restrictions, including: <br />(A) data on the extent to which each racial and ethnic group and single <br />head of household (by gender of head of household) have applied for, participated in, or <br />benefited from, any program or activity funded in whole or in part with NSP funds; <br />(B) documentation of actions undertaken to meet the equal opportunity <br />requirements of 24 CFR 92.350, which implements Section 3 of the Housing Development Act <br />of 1968, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701u); <br />(C) documentation and data on the steps taken to implement Owner's <br />outreach programs to minority-owned and women -owned businesses to meet the minority <br />outreach requirements of 24 CFR 92.350; <br />(5) documentation of the steps taken to carry out an affirmative marketing <br />program in accordance with 24 CFR 92.351, if applicable; <br />(6) if applicable, records which demonstrate compliance with the <br />requirements relating to relocation of displaced persons, as described in 24 CFR 92.353. At a <br />minimum, these shall include project occupancy lists identifying the name and address of all <br />persons occupying the project property up until the date of the date on which Owner obtained <br />ownership of the Property; <br />(7) records concerning lead-based paint in accordance with 24 CFR 92.355; <br />(8) if applicable, records which support any requests for waivers of the <br />conflict of interest prohibition as stated in 24 CFR 92.356; <br />55C-67 <br />