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own use and they may also return marijuana from the resulting mature plant for <br />distribution by the collective. <br />(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "cutting" shall mean a rootless piece cut <br />from a marijuana plant, which is no more than six (6) inches in length, and which can be <br />used to grow another plant in a different location. <br />(p) A collective shall comply with applicable provisions of the California Health and Safety Code <br />§§ 11362.5 through 11362.83, inclusive. <br />(q) If food is distributed, the collective shall comply with all relevant state laws and city <br />ordinances pertaining to the preparation, distribution and sale of food. <br />(r) The location, interior and exterior, shall be monitored at all times by web -based closed-circuit <br />television for security purposes. The camera and recording system must be of adequate <br />quality, color rendition and resolution to allow the ready identification of any individual <br />committing a crime anywhere on or adjacent to the location. The recordings shall be <br />maintained for a period of not less than ninety (90) days. The police department may request <br />the recordings in connection with an investigation. If the recordings are not voluntarily <br />provided, the police department may seek a warrant or court order for the recordings. <br />(s) The location shall have a centrally -monitored fire and burglar alarm system and the building <br />or the portion of the building where the collective is located shall contain a fire -proof safe. <br />(t) No manufacture of concentrated cannabis in violation of California Health and Safety Code <br />section 11379.6 is allowed. <br />(u) No collective shall operate for profit. Cash and in-kind contributions, reimbursements, and <br />reasonable compensation provided by members towards the collective's actual expenses of <br />the growth, cultivation, and provision of medical marijuana shall be allowed provided that <br />they are in strict compliance with State Law. All such cash and in-kind amounts and items <br />shall be fully documented. <br />(v) If the collective operator is not the owner of the property where the collective is to operate, <br />the operator shall provide evidence that the property owner(s) consent to the operation of a <br />collective on the property. <br />(w) Collectives must obtain and maintain a valid City business license at all times as a condition <br />for receiving, renewing, and maintaining their regulatory safety permit. <br />(x) Occupancy shall not exceed that required under the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire <br />Code, and the maximum occupancy load shall be posted at the main entrance. <br />Section 5: Section 18-615 of Article XIII of Chapter 18 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is <br />hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Sec. 18-615. - Zones permitted. <br />Collectives. No collective shall operate within a residential (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RE, CR) <br />zone, Professional (P) zone, Arterial Commercial (C-5) zone, Planned Shopping Center (C-4) <br />zone, Specific Development (SD), Specific Plan (SP) or Agricultural (A-1) zone. A Collective may <br />only operate in an Industrial zone (M-1, M-2) in accordance with this article. <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 6 <br />11 B-8 <br />