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(b) Parkung. The nummum off-street parking requirements for the project are as <br />follows: <br />(1) 36 total parking spaces, of which: <br />a. 8 parking spaces shall be tuck -under parking <br />b. 28 parking spaces shall be provided in an enclosed garage <br />(2) A minimum often (10) bicycle spaces shall be provided onsite. <br />The design and materials shall comply with the approved <br />materials board submitted for the project during building plan <br />check. <br />(3) Prior to occupancy a parking management plan shall be <br />submitted to the Planning Division for review, identifying <br />parking per unit, services provider parking and guest parking. <br />The plan is subject to approval of the Planning Manager. <br />(c) Pedestrian Walkways and Open Space. The project will provide a <br />minimum of ft open space in the form of conumou, landscaped <br />open space areas, deck, courtyard and lobby, mailroom, interior <br />community room, dining room, gym, computer room, laundry rooms, <br />service provider offices and onsite resident services office. <br />(d) Walls/Fences. <br />A solid block wall with a minimum height of six feet shall be <br />constructed along the east, north, and west property lines. The block <br />wall shall be designed to contain a decorative cap, regularly -spaced <br />decorative pilasters, and a decorative finish in accordance to the <br />design provisions contained within the most recent version of the <br />City's design guidelines. <br />(e) Landscaping <br />Detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted to and be approved by <br />the City of Santa Ana Planning Division prior to issuance of a <br />building permit and installed as required in the approved plans. <br />(1) Project Landscaping: <br />a. Landscaping shall be compliant with the City of Santa Ana's <br />Landscape Water Conservation Ordinance. <br />b. All landscape areas shall have a fully automatic irrigation <br />system (including spray or drip) as requ aed by the City of <br />Santa Landscape Water Conservation Ordinance. <br />(2) All meters shall be appropriately screened from public view with <br />trellis work and vines or hedge -type shrub, or be incorporated into <br />the residential structure. <br />(3) The building wall along the easterly property line shall be planted <br />with vines. <br />Ordinance No. NS -2920 <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />