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CITY OF SANTA ANA Exhibit A <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 15.6833 <br />TRAFFIC SIGNAGE UPGRADE <br />P"Ji',DERA'L PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063(157) <br />ADD -ALTS NA.`i'.IVF ONE <br />How <br />Description <br />Qty <br />U1114e lt <br />UnitkricAmount <br />Romova Existing 67gn(s} and ll+etmlJ Nesta <br />10 <br />_.__.._ <br />Sign(s) as Shown on Existing Pastor Street <br />Uzht, <br />217 <br />FA <br />$ 255.41 <br />$ 53,423.97 <br />TOTAL ADD-AL'.I'EI2IVMINE ONE <br />$ 65,423,67 <br />TOTAL BASE BID + ADD -ALTERNATIVE ONE <br />$ 169A49.90 <br />The lowest responsible bidder shall be selected 'based on the Total Base Bld. The City reserves the right to <br />award the Base Bid, and any, all, or axone of the add -alternate bier itams (if any), <br />The quantity for this bid !tern is shown :for bid comparison only. This bld item shall ,not be subject to the <br />"25%" limit as stated ire Section 3-2 of the Standard Speait7oations. The actual amount tibr this iCern vvill <br />be dictated by thc3 actual quantity used, and the Agency reserves the right to increase or decrease the <br />quantity of this it6n7 accordingly. <br />'� This bid item is considered a Speolalty Item per Section 2:-3.2 of die Standard Specifications. <br />Theundersignedbidder hereby proposes to complete the Wodc Por the total base 61x1 amount shown above, <br />within t3 gpiy (Q1.yvg <3? elays aftor the cumm000emvist date stated in the Notice to Proceed, <br />The liquidated, damage„ amount; in lieu of the amount specified in Subsection 6-9 of the Standard <br />Specifications, shall be $1,ODO per calendar day. <br />Natne of Firm Myers and ions I-II.Way Sat'ety,lno <br />Signature of BIDDER <br />Title _ Mike Rodgers_,_PrPaden _ Juand'tCamos, Sec./Treas. <br />(If an individual, so state, If a fhrn or co -partnership, state the frtu name and give the names of <br />alt individual co-partners composing the firm, If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, <br />and names of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Manager, thereof.) <br />P-2 of P-38 <br />