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Code Enforcement Manager Alvaro Nunez provides an update on enforcement related to this <br />item including the closure process on illegal dispensaries, shows the Committee a sample of a <br />Property Notice put on the building for illegal dispensaries and details the recent enforcement <br />done in 2017. Going forward, asking for an increase in the budget for the City Attorney's Office <br />to file receivership, collections and/or any additional civil actions. He also requests additional <br />SAPD/Code Enforcement personnel. <br />5. Homelessness Crisis (Discuss possible recommendations regarding public safety and <br />public health issues) — Deputy Chief Valentin and Commander Ibarra {Strategic Plan <br />Goal No. 5, 3d} <br />ACTION: <br />Chairman Solorio directs the City Attorney's Office to draft an ordinance or policy making it <br />unlawful for other public agencies to drop off a homeless individual in Santa Ana unless City <br />personnel have been notified that a non-profit is expecting a drop off. Have an analysis of this <br />for the homeless crisis matrix. <br />(Item Na. 10 is taken out of order) <br />10. Strategies to Prevent Use of Illegal Fireworks — Cmdr. Ken Gominsky {Strategic Plan <br />Goal No. 1, 2d} <br />ACTION: <br />Chairman Solorio wants Staff to consider two things: <br />1) Peter Katz, Com -Link, suggested reaching out to the fireworks companies, TNT, to see if <br />they have a resource of any type to see if they can help us with education or enforcement; <br />2) After doing some research, we found that other cities, such as San Jose, have <br />con mminication programs. Asks Staff to consider having an e-mail where residents can <br />provide the City addresses of homes or businesses that use illegal fireworks ahead of time <br />so that the Police or City Manager's Office can send letters to those addresses letting <br />them know of fines and enforcement. This would also provide a target list of where the <br />officers may want to go. <br />(Item No. 9 is taken out of order.) <br />9. Santa Ana Police Department Website (Discuss what information should be included, <br />i.e., crime statistics, etc.) — Acting Chief Schnabl and Chief TIO Jack Ciulla {Strategic Plan <br />Goal No. 1, 2b} <br />13A-7 <br />