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Facilities, OCWD shall declare by written notice to RETAILER that this standard of service will <br />not apply to these future Project Customers. <br />5.6 Except as provided in paragraph 9.6 below, in the event that, at any time during <br />the term of this Agreement, OCWD for any reason cannot or chooses not to produce Project <br />Water from its Green Acres Project Water Treatment Facility described in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 <br />above, OCWD shall provide through the Project Facilities, or otherwise, at a cost equal to the <br />cost of Project Water, sufficient water of a quality at least equal to the quality of Project Water to <br />meet the landscape irrigation and industrial water needs of all of the Project Customers. OCWD, <br />however, shall have no such obligation in the event that Project Water cannot be delivered to <br />Project Customers due to damage to; breaks, or other disruptions in the distribution facilities <br />transporting Project Water to Project Customers, including maintenance and additions to Project <br />Facilities. OCWD shall strive to restore Project Water delivery within 72 hours of disruptions. <br />With respect to non -emergency maintenance, repair, and construction work, OCWD shall <br />coordinate such interruptions with RETAILER at least thirty (30) days in advance. <br />5.7 If the State of California proclaims a drought "State of Emergency" and restricts <br />the use of potable water supplies, RETAILER will attempt to reduce the use of recycled water <br />consistent with the RETAILER's conservation standards mandated by the State, Notwithstanding <br />the RETAILER's existing regulations, RETAILER's governing body shall consider enacting <br />permanent mandatory water conservation requirements for recycled water use and any additional <br />restrictions during periods of water supply shortages. <br />SECTION SIX: PROJECT WATER RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />6,1 All Project Water produced by OCWD for delivery and sale to RETAILER shall <br />be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the discharge requirements and primary user <br />permit for the Project Water issued to OCWD by the California Regional Water Quality Control <br />Board Santa Ana Region. OCWD has obtained and shall maintain a blanket primary user <br />pennit for the production, distribution and sale of Project Water, and shall at all times maintain <br />and comply with all present and future provisions thereof and all renewals or subsequent such <br />permits. <br />6.2 The parties acknowledge that OCWD has promulgated, and the parties agree that <br />OCWD and RETAILER shall enforce rules and regulations regarding the distribution, delivery <br />and sale of Project Water to RETAILER, and governing the use of Project Water resold by <br />RETAILER to Project Customers ("Project Rules"). OCWD shall maintain approvals from all <br />federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction over the production, quality and use of <br />Project Water, including, but not limited to, the California Regional Water Quality Control <br />Board — Santa Ana Region, California State Water Resources Control Board Division of <br />Drinking Water, and County of Orange Health Care Agency, that such Project Rules comply <br />with the regulations, requirements and orders of such regulatory agencies. <br />