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ARTICLE XVIII <br />18,0 GRIEVANCE REVIEW PROCEDURE <br />18.1 Definition of Grievance. A grievance shall be defined as a timely complaint by an <br />employee or group of employees or the Association concerning the interpretation or <br />application of specific provisions of this MOU, or of the rules and regulations governing <br />personnel practices or working conditions of the City; except, however, those matters <br />specifically assigned to the jurisdiction of the City Personnel Board by provision of the <br />City Charter and the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. <br />No employee shall suffer any reprisal because of filing or processing of a grievance or <br />Participating in the Grievance Review Procedure. <br />18.2 Informal Process. <br />A. An employee must first attempt to resolve the grievance on an informal basis <br />through discussion with his or her immediate supervisor without undue delay, but <br />in no case, beyond a period of ten (10) calendar days after the occurrence of the <br />alleged incident giving rise to the grievance, or when the grievant lrnew or should <br />have reasonably become aware of the facts giving rise to the grievance. <br />If the employee's grievance is directed against the actions of his or her immediate <br />supervisor, the employee may initiate his or her grievance with his or her Division <br />Commander. In such cases, the employee shall file his or her grievance directly <br />with the Division Commander within ten (10) calendar days of the event. Response <br />time lines will continue as designated for Division Commander and above. If the <br />grievance is directed toward the Division Commander, the employee may file <br />directly with the Bureau Commander. <br />B. The Supervisor will respond to the grievance within seven (7) calendar days of <br />receiving the grievance. <br />C. If the grievance is not resolved at the immediate supervisor level, the employee, <br />within ten (10) calendar days of the supervisor's response, will attempt to resolve <br />the grievance on an informal basis through discussion with his or her Division <br />Commander. The Division Commander will respond, to the grievance within seven <br />(7) calendar days of receiving the employee grievance. <br />D. Every effort shall be made to find an acceptable solution to the grievance through <br />this informal process. <br />E. If the grievance is not resolved at the informal level, the employee shall then set <br />forth the grievance in writing, indicate the nature of the action desired, sign it, and <br />submit it in duplicate to his or her Bureau Commander. At this point, the grievance <br />review process becomes formal. Should the grievant fail to file a written grievance, <br />and in the manner specified above, within ten (10) calendar days after receiving the <br />57 <br />