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made from specially designed protective fabrics, which is a ready substitute for personal <br />attire the employee would otherwise have to acquire and maintain. This excludes items that <br />are solely for personal health and safety such as protective vests, pistols, bullets and safety <br />shoes. <br />ARTICLE XXIV <br />24.0 SOLE AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT <br />23.1 It is the intent of the parties hereto that the provisions of this MOU shall supersede all prior <br />agreements and memoranda of agreement, or memoranda of understanding, or contrary <br />salary and/or personnel rules and regulations or administrative codes, provisions of the <br />City, oral and written, expressed or implied, between the parties, and shall govern the entire <br />relationship and shall be the sole source of any and all rights which may be asserted <br />hereunder. This MOLT is not intended to conflict with federal or state law or the City <br />Charter. <br />23.2 The City will continue to administer its employee relations and its personnel policies and <br />procedures in accordance with duly -adopted ordinances and resolutions, and the affected <br />employees will continue to be governed thereby during the term of this MOU. <br />ARTICLE XXV <br />25.0 WAIVER OF BARGAINING DURING THE TERM OF THIS MOU <br />25.1 During the term of this MOU, the parties mutually agree that they will not seek to negotiate <br />or bargain with regard to wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, whether <br />or not covered by the MOU or in the negotiations leading thereto, unless required by <br />specific provisions of this MOU, and irrespective of whether or not such matters were <br />discussed or were even within the contemplation of the parties hereto during the <br />negotiations leading to this MOU. Regardless of the waiver contained in this Article, the <br />parties may, however, by mutual agreement, in writing, agree to meet and confer about any <br />matter during the term of this MOU. <br />ARTICLE XXVI <br />26.0 SEPARABILITY PROVISION <br />26.1 Should any provision of this MOU be found to be inoperative, void, or invalid by a court <br />of competent jurisdiction, all other provisions of this MOU shall remain in full force and <br />effect for the duration of this MOU, provided that if any such affected provisions invalidate <br />or void any benefits of employees covered hereunder, the parties shall forthwith commence <br />negotiations to replace the invalidated benefits with benefits of comparable value. <br />63 <br />