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NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2017 (NS-2908 - NS-2934)
NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
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Last modified
8/24/2017 4:37:03 PM
Creation date
8/17/2017 5:43:09 PM
City Clerk
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(d) Fees. A daily meter rental fee as set by resolution of the city council, in <br />addition to the cost of water used, shall be charged for each day the meter is in <br />possession of the permittee. A minimum fee equal to the total of the daily rental charge <br />for five (5) days shall also be established. The rental and cost of the water used may be <br />deducted from the deposit. <br />(e) Timing. Upon completing the Fire Hydrant Meter Permit Application, a fire <br />hydrant meter will be installed by the city at the location specified in the permit within <br />forty-eight (48) hours of the completed application. <br />Sec. 39-25. - Water measurement. <br />(a) Every water service as defined in this chapter shall be metered. <br />(b) Water services shall be designated according to the type of use as defined <br />in this chapter. <br />(c) Only duly authorized employees or agents of the city shall be permitted to <br />install water meters. Following the final acceptance of the water service and meter, the <br />meter and the service connection shall belong to the city and are the sole property of <br />the city. <br />(d) Meters will be read at regular intervals for the preparation of regular bills <br />and as required for the preparation of opening bills, closing bills, and special bills. <br />Sec. 39-26. - Continuity of service <br />(a) The city will exercise reasonable diligence to furnish a continuous and <br />sufficient supply of water to its customers and to avoid any shortage or interruption of <br />delivery thereof. It cannot, however, guarantee a continuous or sufficient supply or <br />freedom of interruption. <br />(b) The city shall not be liable for interruptions or shortage of supply, nor for <br />any loss or damage occasioned thereby. <br />(c) Whenever, in the operation of the city's water system, interruption in the <br />delivery of water to customers results from or is occasioned by cause other than the <br />exercise by the city of its right to temporarily suspend the delivery of water for the <br />purpose of making repairs or improvement to its system, notice of any such interruption <br />will not be given to the customers of the city, but the city shall exercise reasonable <br />diligence to reinstitute delivery of water. <br />(d) The city, whenever it shall find it necessary for the purpose of making <br />repairs or improvements to its system, shall have the right to temporarily suspend the <br />delivery of water. In all such cases, as reasonable notice as circumstances will permit <br />will be given to the customer, and the making of such repairs or improvements will be <br />Ordinance No. NS -2921 <br />Page 22 of 57 <br />
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