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NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
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2017 (NS-2908 - NS-2934)
NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
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8/17/2017 5:43:09 PM
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to the user by reason of the temporary cessation of delivery of recycled water or by <br />reason of the termination of such delivery. <br />Sec. 39-36. - Same—Price of recycled water. <br />The price to be paid by the user for all recycled water delivered by the city shall <br />be established by resolution of the city council, subject to the provision of the user's <br />recycled water user agreement. <br />Sec. 39-37. - Same—Payment. <br />Recycled water accounts shall be subject to section 39-20 of this chapter. <br />Sec. 39-38. - Same—Limitation on use. <br />Recycled water delivered from OCWD's Green Acres Project facilities has <br />restricted uses. The user shall use recycled water only upon the property of the user <br />and only for those uses and purposes provided for in the recycled water user agreement <br />and which are legally permissible under the laws of the state, as well as the rules and <br />regulations adopted by the city, by OCWD and by all regulatory agencies having <br />jurisdiction, including but not limited to the California Regional Water Quality Control <br />Board -Santa Ana Region, and by state and local health departments. <br />Sec. 39-39. - Same—Rules and regulations. <br />The user shall comply with all rules and regulations, including the "Green Acres <br />Project, Project Rules and Regulations for the Use of Recycled Water," promulgated <br />now and in the future by OCWD, the city, the State of California or the federal <br />government relating to the sale, distribution, transportation, and use of recycled water. <br />Sec. 39-40. - Same—Responsibility <br />(a) The city's responsibility for the recycled water delivered to the user ends at <br />the user's side of the meter or, in the case of an unmetered or other special installation, <br />where the city's facilities terminate. Operation, management, maintenance, and <br />monitoring with respect to the storage, distribution, and other facilities under the control <br />of the user shall be the responsibility of the user. <br />(b) The user shall allow the city and/or OCWD's representatives to enter the <br />user's premises for monitoring, inspecting, sampling, analysis, and observation of the <br />user's recycled water facilities at all reasonable times. The user, its personnel, <br />representatives, and agents shall cooperate with the city and/or OCWD in such <br />activities and assist in the performance of operational tests as required. If a <br />determination is made that the user's facilities are not in compliance with city and/or <br />OCWD requirements, the user shall promptly initiate and diligently pursue to completion <br />Ordinance No. NS -2921 <br />Page 33 of 57 <br />
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