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NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2017 (NS-2908 - NS-2934)
NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
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8/24/2017 4:37:03 PM
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8/17/2017 5:43:09 PM
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(e) In the event the occupant(s) of any property or premises, having <br />registered a municipal utility services account and transferred municipal utility services <br />into their own name as tenant(s), thereafter quit or otherwise vacate the premises, then <br />responsibility for future municipal utility services charges, including refuse charges, shall <br />revert to the municipal utility services account of the property owner in accordance with <br />section 39-16 of this Code. <br />(f) In addition to all other civil remedies for collection of such indebtedness, in <br />the event that the owner and occupant of the premises or property receiving refuse <br />service are the same, then said civil debt against such customer or person shall be <br />subject to special assessment and lien against said property in the manner provided in <br />Sections 38790.1 and 25831 of the Government Code of the State of California. <br />Establishment of a lien against the property shall remove said refuse charge(s) from the <br />City's regular consolidated municipal utility services account/billing statement and toll <br />the accrual of additional penalties therefore under this section and section 39-20 of this <br />Code. <br />(g) The city shall not disconnect water utility service for failure to pay the <br />refuse service charge, unless such failure is accompanied by a customer's failure to pay <br />the water utility service, in which case disconnection of water utility service shall be <br />governed by article II of Chapter 39. <br />(h) Charges for bin service, roll -off container service or for collection services <br />more frequent or more extensive than that provided in this article for curbside service <br />shall be paid directly to the city's solid waste collection contractor in accordance with <br />such regulations as shall be established by contract or resolution of the city council. <br />SECTION 12. Section 18-602 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended such that it reads in its entirety as follows: <br />Sec. 18-602. - Persons obligated <br />(a) The municipal utility services customer of record for each property, place <br />or premises located in the City of Santa Ana, or person responsible to be registered for <br />municipal utility services, including sanitation service charges, shall be liable for <br />payment of all charges as set forth in this article, except to the extent reductions or <br />refunds may be specifically authorized or directed by the executive director of public <br />works or the executive director of finance, or their designees. The said sanitation <br />service charges shall be billed as provided in section 39-20 of this Code as part of the <br />City's regular consolidated municipal utility services account/billing statement but shall <br />be listed as a separate line item on the municipal utility services account/billing <br />statement. <br />(b) In the event the occupant(s) of any property, place or premises having <br />registered a municipal utility services account and transferred municipal utility services <br />into their own name as tenant(s), thereafter quit or otherwise vacate the premises, then <br />Ordinance No. NS -2921 <br />Page 54 of 57 <br />
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