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have all your rights and duties under this Coverage <br />Part. <br />e. Unnamed Subsidiary <br />Any subsidiary, and subsidiary thereof, of yours <br />which is a legally Incorporated entity of which you <br />own a financial Interest of more than 50% of the <br />voting stock on the effective date of the Coverage <br />Part. <br />The Insurance afforded herein for any subsidiary <br />not named In this Coverage Part as a named <br />Insured does not apply to Injury or damage with <br />respect to which an Insured under this Coverage <br />Part Is also an Insured under another policy or <br />would be an Insured under such policy but for Its <br />termination or the exhaustion of Its limits of <br />Insurance, <br />8, Newly Acquired or Formed Organization <br />Any organization you newly acquire or form, other than <br />a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company, <br />and over which you maintain financial Interest of more <br />than 60% of the voting stock, will qualify as a Named <br />Insured If there Is no other similar Insurance available <br />to that organization, However: <br />a. Coverage under this provision Is afforded only until <br />the 180th day after you acquire or form the <br />organization or the end of the policy period, <br />whichever Is earlier; <br />b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily Injury" or <br />"property damage" that occurred before you <br />acquired or formed the organization; and <br />c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and <br />advertising injury" arising out of an offense <br />committed before you acquired or formed the <br />organization. <br />4. Moblie Equipment <br />With respect to "mobile equipment" registered in your <br />name under any motor vehicle registration law, any <br />person Is an Insured while driving such equipment <br />along a public hlghwaywithyour permission. Any other <br />person or organization responsible for the conduct of <br />such person Is also an Insured, but only with respect to <br />liability arising out of the operation of the equipment, <br />and only If no other Insurance of any kind Is avallable <br />to that person or organization for this Ilabllity, However, <br />no person or organization is an Insured with respect to: <br />a. "Bodily Injury' to a co-"amployee" of the person <br />driving the equipment; or <br />b, "Property damage" to property owned by, rented to, <br />In the charge of or occupied by you or the employer <br />of any person who Is an Insured under this <br />provision, <br />Page 10 of t& <br />S. Nonowned Watercraft <br />With respect to watercraft you do not own that is less <br />than 51 feet long and Is not being used to carry <br />persons for a charge, any person Is an insured whlle <br />operating such watercraft with your permission. Any <br />other person or organization responsible for the <br />conduct of such person Is also an Insured, but only <br />with respect to liability arising out of the operation of <br />the watercraft, and only If no other Insurance of any <br />kind is available to that person or organization for this <br />liability. <br />However, no person or organization is an Insured with <br />respect to: <br />a. "Bodily Injury" to a oo-"employee" of the person <br />operating the watercraft; or <br />b, "Properly damage" to property owned by, rented to, <br />In the charge of or occupied by you or the employer <br />of any person who Is an Insured under this <br />provision, <br />6. Additional Insureds When Required By Written <br />Contract, Written Agreement Or Permit <br />The following person(s) or organizatlon(s) are an <br />additional Insured when you have agreed, in a written <br />contract, written agreement or because of a permit <br />Issued by a state or political subdivision, that such <br />person or organization be added as an additional <br />Insured on your policy, provided the Injury or damage <br />occurs subsequent to the execution of the contract or <br />agreement, <br />A person or orgenlzatlon Is an additional Insured under <br />this provision only for that period of time required by <br />the contract or agreement. <br />However;' no such person or organization Is an Insured <br />under this provision If such person or organization Is <br />Included as an Insured by an endorsement Issued by <br />us and made a part of this Coverage Part. <br />a. Vendors <br />Any person(s) or organization(s) (referred to below <br />as vendor), but only with respect to "bodily Injury" <br />or "property damage" arlsing out of "your products" <br />which are distributed or sold in the regular course <br />of the vendor's business and only If this Coverage <br />Pan provides coverage for "bodily Injury" or <br />"property damage" Included within the "products - <br />completed operations hazard". <br />(1) The Insurance afforded the vendor Is subject to <br />the following additional exclusions: <br />This Insurance does not apply to; <br />(a) "Bodily Injury" or "property damage" for <br />which the vendor Is obligated to pay <br />damages by reason of the assumption of <br />liability In a contract or agreement, This <br />exclusion does not apply to liability for <br />damages that the vendor would have in the <br />absence of the contract or agreement; <br />HG0001060gg5 <br />REVIEWED 6Y: EUNICE HEREDIA (PGI„OF <br />