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Santa Ana Healthy Neighborhoods Alliance <br />1318 South Birch Street, Santa Ana, CA 92707 <br />September 11, 2017 <br />TO: Mayor Miguel Pulido, Mayor Pro Tem Michele Martinez, Councilmembers Jose Solorio, David <br />Benavides, Juan Villegas, Sal Tinajero, and Vicente Sarmiento <br />RE: Security Cameras at Madison, Windsor, Jerome, Chepa's, Santa Anita, Santiago and Memorial Parks <br />From: Susana C. Sandoval, Irma P. Jauregui <br />Co -Chairs, Santa Ana Healthy Neighborhoods Alliance <br />The Santa Ana Healthy Neighborhoods Alliance supports, endorses and urges you to vote Yes for <br />approval of security cameras at Madison, Windsor, Jerome, Chepa's, Santa Anita, Santiago and <br />Memorial Parks. <br />As per the City Staff review and evaluation for use of CDBG, staff recommends approval for the cameras <br />be approved. This analysis and recommendation is based on the Parks Recreation and Community <br />Services Agency established criteria to identify and prioritize projects. "The criteria in order of priority, <br />includes #1 Safety, #2 Deferred Maintenance, and #3 Opportunities to add park recreational open space". <br />Please refer to Request for Council Action document dated August 15, 2017. <br />In the identified parks named above, safety is THE major issue. Families and children are exposed to <br />drug activities, prostitution, inappropriate behaviors such as drinking of alcohol, and more. Residents are <br />afraid to use the identified parks, and the security cameras have been in discussion for years and <br />promises for installation have been made. A YES vote demonstrates the Council's respect for resident's <br />voices being heard on Safety, and the crucial need for the security cameras, and respecting the thorough <br />process and procedures established by the City staff that resulted in their recommendation to approve the <br />security cameras as the #1 priority. In a park poor city, the lack of safety results in severe underuse of our <br />parks by children because parents are fearful of the dangers. There exists the tremendous URGENCY <br />to maintain the Safety of our parks; the security cameras are a necessity, not a luxury. All of our <br />Police Officers have security cameras for safety; our parks merit this same policy for equity, <br />especially because resources have already been identified to fund this NUMBER ONE CITY <br />PRIORITY — SAFETY. We remind you that our Park Rangers Program is now extremely limited in <br />rangers and coverage ---- a reduction to 80 hours total coverage per week for all of the city parks, <br />and with the child kidnapping at Jerome Park, it was the security camera tape that solved this <br />horrifying child abduction crime. <br />We understand the desire for the proposed skate park. The FIRST priority is safety for our current parks <br />identified. Staff followed the established criteria referenced in the Request for Council Action Report, <br />August 15, 2017. As per this staff report, "Although it is not possible to fund the full list of possible <br />projects, staff will continue to seek funding for a skate park to be added as resources become available." <br />The skate park can be added for consideration once the security cameras for the identified parks are <br />installed. <br />As our elected officials, we urge your unanimous vote to approve the security cameras. The residents <br />need to know that the Council supports safety as the top priority for the community and will vote YES for <br />approval of security cameras. The attached signatures of Santa Ana residents support the YES approval. <br />Copies: Cynthia Kurtz, David Valentin, Gerardo Mouet, Maria D. Huizar, Sonia R. Carvalho <br />65A-18 <br />