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4. That the granting of a variance will not adversely affect the General <br />Plan of the City. <br />The project will not adversely affect the general plan as the <br />office use is a permitted use in the District Center land use <br />designation. In addition, the project is consistent with <br />several goals and policies of the General Plan, including <br />Goal 2 to promote land uses which enhance the City's <br />economic and fiscal viability, Goal 3 to preserve and improve <br />the character and integrity of existing neighborhoods, and <br />Goal 5 to ensure that the impacts of development are <br />mitigated. The project is also consistent with Land Use <br />Element Policy 2.8 to promote the rehabilitation of <br />commercial properties and encourages increased levels of <br />capital investment, Policy 2.10 supports new development <br />which is harmonious in scale and character with existing <br />development in the area, and Urban Design Element Policy <br />1.5 encourages projects that include enhanced architectural <br />forms, textures, colors and materials. The building and its <br />addition are consistent with these goals and policies and has <br />been designed to provide architectural and visual interest to <br />the site and adjacent community. <br />E. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act the <br />recommended action is exempt from further review per Section 15332. <br />This Class 32 exemption allows infill development provided it is consistent <br />with the zoning and General Plan, is on a project site of no more than five <br />acres surrounded by urban uses, does not have any noise or traffic <br />impacts, and can be served by existing utilities. <br />The proposed office building expansion has been found by the City's <br />development review agencies to not create any adverse impacts. The <br />building is proposed to be located on a site that is not designated by <br />federal, state, or local agencies to be an environmental resource of <br />hazardous or critical concern. The cumulative impact of this project will <br />not be significant as there are several office buildings in the area, the <br />property is already served by roads and utilities, and will not create any <br />adverse impacts such as noise, traffic, or safety concerns. There is no <br />reasonable possibility that the project will have a significant effect on the <br />environment due to unusual circumstances. The project is not located <br />within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway and will <br />not result in damage to scenic resources. The project is not located on a <br />site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of <br />the Government Code. As a result, Categorical Exemption Environmental <br />Review No. 2017-45 will be filed for this project. <br />Resolution No. 2017-28 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />