<br />4 Resource Name or it (Assigned,by recorder) Dr. Harry G. Huffman House
<br />Brian Matuk 'Date Saptomber 4, 2017 191 Continuation 0* Update
<br />'810. Significance (continued)':
<br />The Dr. Harry G. Huffman House is located in Floral Park, a neighborhood northwest of downtown Santa Ana bounded by
<br />West Sovontocntli Stmot, North Flower Street,' Riverside Drive, and Broadway. Groves of oranges; avocados, and walnuts
<br />and widely scattered ranch houses characterized this area beforo.1920. Dovclopor and builder Allison Honer (1897-1981),
<br />credited as the subdivider and builder of a major portion of northwest Santa Ana, arrived in Santa. Ana -from Beaver Falls;
<br />New,Yorkin1922(Talbert,pages353-355)."Beforenightfallonihodayofhis arrival, Mr. Honerpurchosedaparceiofland,
<br />And that month, he'beyan building custom homos.inSanta Ana" (Orance County Register September 15, 1981). , The
<br />parcoi chosen became Ilia Floral Park subdivision between Seventeenth Street and Santiago Creels: , 'When built in Phe
<br />1920x, the Floral Park homes avcro Ilio most lavish and expensive in the area. They sold for about $45000 each"(Ozanne .
<br />County Register, September 15, 1981). Revival architecture in wide variety of romantic styles was colobrated in the 1920s
<br />and 1930s and Floral Park showrased czampfos of the English Tudor, French Norman, Spanish Colonial, and Colonial
<br />Revival, The Allison Honer Construction Company went on to complete: such notable projects as the 1935 Art Deco styled
<br />Old Santa Ana CityHall, Ilia El Toro Marino Base during World War 11, ane! the 1960 Honer Shopplttg Plaza. Honer livedim
<br />the notghbornood he had helped to create, at 615 West Santa Clara Avenue.
<br />In the tato 1920s and 1930s, another builder, Roy Roscee Russell (188f-1865), continued developing The groves of Floral
<br />Park. An early Russell project was, his 1928 subdivision of Victoria Drive,between West Nineteenth Sheet and West Santa
<br />Clara Avenuo. The hos wcro.qulte grand and displayed Various revival, styles, including Russell's own large, Colonial
<br />Revival mansion at2009 Victoria Drive. 1n the'eady post World Warll years, Floral Park continued its development as
<br />numerous, smaller, single-family houses were built. Continuing in the Floral,Park tradition, they were mostly revivalln style.
<br />In the 1950s; low, horizontal Ramch.Style houses completed the growth of Floral Park. Today (2014) Floral Park maintains
<br />its identity as the premier neighborhood of Sanla'Ana historicagy home to many affluent and prornineht citizens.
<br />The Dr.Harry G. Huffman House has been determined eligible for ii sting in the National Ragistor.of Historic Places as a
<br />contributor toa North Broadvny Park historic district that is bounded by RiversideDrive, Santa Clara Avenue, North
<br />Broadway, and North FloWar Street. Comprising the northern and orfhe Floral Pork neighborhood, North Broadway Park
<br />was subdivided in 1923. The Keeper of the Naffonal Register found,thaF "North Broadway,Park reflects the City Beauliful
<br />planningaiavomont in Southern California during the early twentieth century. The vernacular adaptations of period revival
<br />styles, curvilinear street patterns, street furnitura,'andtandsrmpo combine to creole a cohesive` and pleasant middle class
<br />suburban neighborhood environment which is unique in the early historical development of the city of Santa Ana."' Under
<br />the regulations implementing the California Register of Historical Resources, the Dr. Harry G. Huffman House has been
<br />listed In the California Register. 11 also qualifies for listing in the Santa Aria Register of Historical Properties under Criterion
<br />1 for its exemplification of the distinguishing characteristics of the English Revival style. Topped by the :steoply pitchod
<br />gabled root that is a signature of the style, Ilia house also displays a brick and chimney, and a multitude of mailight fixed
<br />and casement windows that are rectangular, round -arched, and segmental -arched The house also contributes to the
<br />historic. character of the Floral Park.neighborhood through its age,.slyle; scale, and historic association with InrpcOant
<br />members of the local business and social community. Additionally, the. house has been categorized as "Contributive'
<br />because it is a good example of period, architecture"in Its presentation of the English Revival style. All original exterior
<br />features or (lie Dr. Harry G. Huffman House are ;oosiderod,to be character defining and should be preserved. These.
<br />features inctudo; but may not be limited to: materials and Finishes (stucco, brick); roof configuration, materials, and
<br />treatment; messing and composition; entry; fenestration (doors and windows); and architectural detailing (rolled eaves),
<br />Despite being owned by Dr:;Harry G. Huffman, Ilia house does not appoor to rise, to the lova! of. significance under criterion
<br />4.b. Although evidence'shows that Huffman made contributions to the Orange County medical field, he is not a "famous"
<br />person, as required by this ceitenon..Additionally, Huffman is also associated viifh the Van Dien House at 2402 Bennie, Brae
<br />top similar level of significance, `as he and his,wito resided there for approximately the same amount or time.,
<br />'612. References (continued):
<br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits.
<br />Hawkins, G. W i iam, The Hisiary of Orange'County Medicine, 1926-1989, Orange County Modical Association.
<br />'History ofFioml Park." http:gvA,,,.q.floral-park.com/p6go2.htm] '
<br />Harris, Cyril PR. American Architecture: An Illustialed Encyclopedia. New York, WW Norton, 199x.
<br />(Soo Continuation Sheaf 4 of 4.)
<br />11 Determinalion of Efi4ibliily, February 25, 1080..
<br />DPR 523L
<br />25A-32
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