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2.2 Periodic Payments (representing a present value of $200,052.00); <br />PAYEE; CPT AS TRUSTEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF MARIA QUINTANILLA <br />$1,500,00 monthly, guaranteed for 151 payments only, commencing 11/1/2017 through and <br />Including 5/1/2030. <br />Beneficiary: Maria Quintanilla Irrevocable Special Needs Trust <br />3. Qualified Assignment <br />The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the Defendant will make a qualified assignment as <br />defined in section 130(c) of the Code to PACIFIC LIFE & ANNUITY SERVICES, INC. (the "Assignee") of the <br />Defendant's liability to make the periodic payments set forth In Section 2,2. Any such assignment, when made, <br />shall be accepted by the Plaintiff without right of rejection and shall completely release and discharge the <br />Defendant from the liability that is assigned to the Assignee. The Plaintiff recognizes that the Assignee shall be <br />their sole obligor with respect to the liability assigned, and that all other releases of the Defendant shall thereupon <br />become final, Irrevocable and absolute. <br />When the liability to make the periodic payments is assigned, the Plaintiff and payees understand and <br />agree that (i) the periodic payments set forth in Sectlop 2,2 cannot be accelerated, deferred, increased or <br />decreased by the recipient of such payments, (11) the Assignee's obligation on account of the periodic payments <br />set forth In Section 2.2 is no greater than the obligation of the Defendant or Insurer of the Defendant that Is <br />assigning the liability, and (iii) the rights of the Plaintiff or payee against the Assignee are solely the rights of a <br />generalcreditor of the Assignee. The Defendant and/or the Assignee shall not segregate or set aside any assets <br />to fund the periodic payments set forth in Section 22 Execution of the assignment will absolutely and completely <br />discharge Defendant from any further payment obligation. If the Assignee and/or Annuity Issuer of the contract <br />purchased by Assignee to make the payment obligation specified in Section 2.2, fails to make payments or <br />becomes insolvent or bankrupt, Plaintiff's or Plaintiffs heirs' or representatives' sole remedy to enforce payment <br />obligations assigned shall be against Assignee, guarantor and/or responsible party other than Defendant. <br />Defendant will have no further obligations upon payment to the designated Assignee and/or Annuity Issuer, <br />4. Right to Purchase an Annulty <br />The Assignee reserves the right to provide for the periodic payments set forth in Section 2.2 by <br />purchasing an annuity policy from PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (the "Annulty Issuer"). The Assignee <br />shall be the owner of any such annuity policy. Neither the Plaintiff nor any payee set forth in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 <br />shall have any incidents of ownership of that annuity. The Assignee may, for its convenience, direct the annuity <br />Issuer to mail periodic payments directly to the Plaintiff or payee set forth in Section 2.2. While the periodic <br />payments are being made, the Plaintiff and other payees set forth in Section 2.2 shall provide to and maintain for <br />the Assignee a current mailing address, <br />5. Plaintiff's Beneficiary <br />Any payments set forth in Section 2.2 that are to be made after the death of the Plaintiff or a payee shall <br />be made to the person or entity designated in writing by the Plaintiff or the payee in a form and manner acceptable <br />to Assignee. If no person or entity Is so designated, then such payments shall be made to the estate of the <br />Plaintiff or payee, respectively. <br />6. Discharge of Liability <br />The obligation assumed by the Assignee to make each Periodic Payment shall be fully discharged upon <br />the mailing of a valid check or electronic funds transfer in the amount of such payment on or before the due date <br />to the last address on record for the Payee or Beneficiary with the Annuity Issuer. If the Payee or Beneficiary <br />notifies the Assignee that any check or electronic funds transfer was not received, the Assignee shall direct the <br />Annuity Issuer to initiate a stop payment action and, upon confirmation that such check was not previously <br />negotiated or electronic funds transfer deposited, shall have the Annuity Issuer process a replacement payment, <br />