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State of California—The Resources Agency Primary f1 <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI R <br />CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial <br />or J rcesource Name or x (yssignen ny mromer) rmcn House <br />by Brian 10aluk 'Date September 6, 2017 O Continuation ❑ Update <br />'B10. Significance (continued): <br />The Finch House is located in Floral Park, a neighborhood northwest of downtown Santa Ana hounded by West <br />Sovonloonth Street, North Flower Street, Riverside Drive, and Broadway. Groves of oranges, avocados, and walnuts and <br />viidely scattered ranch houses characterized this'area before 1920. Developer and builder Allison Honer (1897-1981), <br />credited as the subdivider and builder of a major portion of northwest Santa Ana, arrived in Santa Ana from Beaver Falls, <br />New York in 1922 (Talbert, pages'353-356). "Before nightfall on the day of his arrival, Mr: Honer purchased a parcel of laird. <br />Anil that month, he began building custom homos in Santa Ana"(0rango Countv'Roltistcr, Scplcmbor'15, 1981). The <br />parcel chosen became the Floral Park sobdivisioh between Seventeenth Street and Santiago Creek. "When built in, the <br />is <br />1920s, the Floral Park homes we the most lavish and oxponsivo in the area. They sold tar about $45,000 oath"(OrrRgo <br />Counfv Reoisfer- September 15, 1981). Revivattirchitecture in a wide variety of romantic styles was celebrated in the 1920s <br />and 1930.3and Floral Parr showcased examples of the English Tudor, French Norman, Spanish Colonial, and Colonial <br />Revival. The Allison Honer Construction Company went on to complete such notable projects es the 1935 Art Deco styled <br />did Santa Ana City Half, se the El Toro Marine Baduring World War 11, and the 1960 Honer Shopping Plaza. Honer livod fn <br />the neighborhood he had helped to create, of 615 West Santa Clara Avenue. <br />In the laid 1920.3 and 1930s, another builder, Roy,Roscoe Russell (1.881--1965), continued dovoloping the groves of Floral <br />Park. An early Russell project was his 1928 subdivision or Victoria Drive between West Nineteenth Street and West Santa <br />Clara Avenue. The homes",vero quite grand and displayed various revival, styles, including Russolls own large, Colonial <br />Revival mansion at 2009 Victoila Drive. in the early post World War 11 years, Floral Park continued its development as <br />numerous, smaller, singlo-ramify houses wore built. Continuing in the Floral Park tradition, they were mostly revival In style. <br />in the 1950s. low, horizontal Ranch Style houses completed the grov✓th of Floral Park. Today (2014) Floral Park maintains <br />its identity as the premior neighborhood of Santa Ana, historically home to many affluent anti prgminonf citizens. <br />The Finch House qualifies for listing in tine Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1 for its <br />exemplification of the dfsfrngufshing characteristics of the Craftsman style. Additionally, tho houso has been categorized as <br />"Contributive"because It 'is a good example of period a(chitecture"In its presentation of the Craftsman style. All original <br />exterior features of the Finch Houso are considerod to bo cheractor defining and should be preservod. Those features <br />include, but may not be limited to: materials and finishes (siding, stone, wood); root configuration, materials, and treatment; <br />massing and composition; fenestration (doers and windows); and archilecfural detailing (exposed rafters, purlins, and stone <br />pattern at piers). <br />'612. References (continued)'. <br />Hawkins, G. William, The History of Orange County Madirfno, 1926-1980, Orange County Medical Association. <br />"History of Floral Park." httpa't':•r:.^x.11oral-park.comlpage2.hlml <br />Harris, Cyrl M. Aitcericn Architecture: An t8ustrated Enryckrpedid. New York, WW Norton, 1998. <br />Marsh, Diann. Santa Ana, An Ithrstratod History, Encinitas. Heritage Publishing. 1994. <br />McAlester, Virginia and Lee. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York. Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. <br />National Rogisteroultotinl6A."Havl to Conitifela. the National Register Rogistrafion Form." Washington DC: NatIonal <br />Register Branch. National Park Service, US Dept. of the interior, 1991. <br />Office of Historic Prosory ition. "Instructions for Rocordicg Histoncai Rosour:oss" Sacramento: &larch 1995. <br />Pieesents, fvlrs. J. E. Historyof Orange Counfv, Los Angeles: J. R. Fidneil & Soris Publishing Co., 1931. Vol.. 2, page 80 <br />and VuL 3, page 142. <br />Santa Ana and Orange County Directories, 1921-1980. <br />Santa Ana History Room Collection, Santa Ana Public Library. <br />Talbort, Thomas (editor -in chief). Historical Volume and Reference Works Including Biogroohical Sketches of Leading <br />Citizens, Volume L Whittier, Historical Publishers, 1963. <br />Whi fen, Marcus, American Architecture Since 1760. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969. <br />DPR 523L <br />25A-26 <br />