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HP PA No. 2017-25 <br />October 5, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />Long term preservation.of the property and visual improvement to the neighborhood <br />• Allows for a mechanism to provide for property rehabilitation <br />•. Provides additional incentive for potential buyers to purchase historic structures <br />• Discourages inappropriate alterations to the property <br />The property has no identified unauthorized modifications and is preserved in its original condition. <br />Upon consideration of.the application, it is recommended that the City enter into a Historic Property <br />Preservation Agreement. <br />CEQA Compliance <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act; the recommended action is exempt <br />from further review under Section 15331, Class 31, as this action is designed to preserve a historic <br />resource. Categorical Exemption No. ER -2017-104 will be filed for this project. <br />Strategic Plan Alignment <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal No. 5 Community Health, Livability, <br />Engagement & Sustainability, Objective, No. 2 (expand opportunities for conservation and <br />environmental sustainability) and Objective No. 3 (facilitate diverse housing opportunities and <br />support efforts to preserve and improve the livability of Santa Ana neighborhoods). <br />Ricafdo Soto <br />Associate Planner <br />RS:jm <br />'SAIRG-701 V003 E S:a`ford.hrc <br />Exhibits 1. 500' Radius Map <br />2. Mills Act Agreement <br />25A-44 <br />