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State of California—The Resources Agency Primary,# - <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD, <br />Page 2 of 3 •NRHP Status Code 5S1 <br />'Resource Name or;F: Pony House <br />B1. Historic Namo: Perry Houso <br />B2, Common Name: Same <br />B3. original Use: Single-family Residence B4. Present Use: Single-family Rosidence <br />'85. Architectural Style: Queen Anne (Late Victorian) <br />'136. Construction History: (Oonslruction date. alte:alions, and dale of alterations): Consfructod in 1898. <br />December 5, 1947. Reroof; <br />"87. Moved? ■No ❑Yes ❑Unknown Date: Original Location: <br />'138. Related Features: <br />Nano: <br />89a. Architect: Unknown b. Builder Unknown <br />`B10. Significance: Theme Residentlal Architecture Area Santa Ana <br />Period of Signlficance:'Circa 1860-1929 Property Type: Single-family.Rosidonce Applicable Criteria: A, C <br />(Dist:uss impdaance in terms of historical or architectural oon(ekt as defined by theme, period. and geographic scope. Also address integrity), <br />The Perry House is archileciurally significanl as an Infacl example of its type, the vernacular Queen Anno (Late Victorian) <br />cottage, it is also historically significant as a contributor to tho character of the Logan neighborhood that is defined by <br />working class homes of similar age, type, and scale. According to previous research, it was built by Lloyd Perry, a plaslamr. <br />In 1912, Goorgo Reasoner occupier! tho houso, followed by Rudolph and Eva Franke, who were related to the Frankes who <br />resided at 904 East Stafford. Rudolph, who lived briefly at 904, was employedtiko his relatives at the Griffith Lumber <br />Company where he was a sash and door maker: By 1918, the Frankes had left and Claude Stoddard, a weaver for the <br />&fission Woolen Miffs on Washfngton Street, and Sarah Stoddard had moved into the house (Treasures . <br />Santa Ana was foundod by William Spurgoon in 1869 as a speculative town site on part of the Spanish land grant known as <br />Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. Early growth and development were stimulated by the arrival or the Southern Pacific <br />Railroad in 1678 and thri Santa Fe Railroad in 1886. Following its inrerporation as a city in 1886, Santa Ana was recognized <br />as one of the leading communities in the area in 1689 when it became the scat of the newly created County of Orange. <br />(Soo Continuation Shoot 3 of 3.) <br />B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) <br />'B12. References: <br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits <br />Santa Arra History Rooni Collection. Santa Ana Public Library <br />'Sanborn Maps <br />.(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 3.) <br />B13. Remarks: <br />'1314. Evaluator: Leslie J. Heumann <br />'Date of Evaluation: January 23, 2002 <br />(This space reserved for official comments.) <br />DPR 5236 (1195) <br />25A-48 <br />Sketch iY1ap <br />i I <br />@ <br />� <br />, <br />=SrER <br />,rrRrEr <br />y <br />n <br />:O <br />("� <br />i <br />lip <br />;J <br />�T- <br />Perry House <br />903 East Stafford Stroot <br />�• <br />i I <br />@ <br />� <br />, <br />L <br />:O <br />'Required information <br />