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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />2401 North Flower Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br />NAME <br />Hull -Carlyle House <br />REF. NO. <br />ADDRESS <br />2401 North Flower Street <br />CITY <br />Santa Ana <br />ZIP <br />1 92706 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT <br />1931 <br />LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY: Key <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT <br />I None <br />NEIGHBORHOOD <br />I Floral Park <br />CALIF. REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION <br />A/1, C/3 <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER STATUS CODE <br />2D, 5S3 <br />Location: ❑ Not for Publication ® Unrestricted <br />❑ Prehistoric ® Historic ❑ Both <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: English Revival <br />A simplification of the Tudor Revival, which reached its height of popularity during the 1920s and 1930s, the English <br />Revival drew upon the English country house for its inspiration. English Revival homes usually feature stucco walls and <br />gable roofs of steep but not exaggerated pitch. A characteristic roof treatment incorporates uneven rakes, with one side <br />of a gable extending a greater distance than the other, sometimes changing the angle of slope in the process. Arches <br />may be used for windows and doors, and, unlike their Tudor cousins, are rounded rather than pointed. Windows are <br />usually clustered in groups on the fagade and are often multi -paned casement in type. Almost exclusively a residential <br />style, English Revival buildings are nearly always asymmetrical in composition. <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: <br />2401 North Flower Street qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1, for its <br />exemplification of the distinguishing characteristics of the English Revival style. Additionally, the house has been <br />categorized as "Key" because it "has a distinctive architectural style and quality" and "is associated with a significant person or <br />event in the city" (Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br />EXPLANATION OF CODES: <br />California Register Criteria for Evaluation. (From California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical <br />Assistance Bulletin # 7, September 4, 2001.) <br />Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or <br />regional history or the cultural heritage of California or the United States <br />It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or <br />represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br />• California Historical Resource Status Code. (From California Office of Historic Preservation Technical <br />Assistance Bulletin #8, November 2004). <br />2D Contributor to a district determined eligible for NR by the Keeper. Listed in the CR. <br />5S3 Appears to be individually eligible for local designation through survey evaluation. <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />25A-91 <br />