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• Review and list applicable design and plan- <br />ning standards <br />r Coordinate with City departments and other <br />agencies <br />In advance of the kickoff meeting, Alta will prepare <br />the agenda for the meeting and a data needs <br />request memorandum that lists major items <br />needed to advance the project, including GIS data <br />and key policy documents for background review. <br />At the conclusion of the kickoff meeting, key action <br />items will be identified, and the project schedule <br />will be revised (as needed). <br />TASK 1.2. ONGOING PROJECT <br />MANAGEMENT <br />Alta Quality Assurance, or "AQUA", refers to our <br />approach to providing services and developing <br />deliverables that satisfy client requirements in a <br />systematic, reliable way. Our goal is to achieve a <br />high level of"Alta Quality" in our products throughout <br />each phase of work. The project manager and prin- <br />cipal -in -charge are always responsible for quality <br />control, and the principal -in -charge is engaged at <br />the beginning of the project and at major decision <br />points. Alta's quality assurance process includes <br />the following: <br />Mandatory review of all products <br />Selection of the appropriate reviewer for the <br />product - <br />u Good decision making about when and who <br />to engage for review <br />Scheduling the time required for review in <br />advance of the product due date <br />Alta project managers use Deltek Vision softwareto <br />manage the complete lifecycle of a project. Project <br />costs, fees, and schedule are captured in real time <br />for accurate and complete client budgeting and <br />billing. We will conduct cost and technical reviews <br />at project milestones. These reviews enhance <br />productivity and provide high quality service to our <br />clients. <br />Alta will provide monthly invoices and project <br />status updates that will include budget and deliv- <br />erable progress, identifying potential delays and <br />proposed corrective actions. Alta will maintain a <br />City of Santa Ana business license throughout the <br />life of the project. <br />Alta believes in open communication with our clients <br />for successful plan development. Throughout <br />the project, there will be ongoing coordination <br />between Alta's Project Manager, Ryan Johnson, <br />LCI, and the City of Santa Ana's Project Manager <br />— including email, phone, and written communica- <br />tion to keep the City apprised of progress, antici- <br />pate review dates, and preview future deliverables, <br />meetings, and presentations. We propose to hold <br />weekly calls with the City's Project Manager so <br />that the project stays on schedule, on budget, and <br />continues to meet City expectations. In addition, <br />Alta will provide monthly status updates that will <br />include budget and deliverable progress. <br />TASK 1.3. WEEKLY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT <br />TEAM MEETINGS <br />Project Manager Ryan Johnson, LCI, understands <br />the value of community feedback and stakeholder <br />engagement and welcomes the development of an <br />inclusive and comprehensive Project Development <br />Team (PDT). Expanding the membership of the PDT <br />to include representatives with a focus on the daily <br />school trips throughout Santa Ana will be impor- <br />tant. The inclusion of stakeholders involved with <br />K-12 education in Santa Ana, along with members <br />knowledgeable about active transportation, equity, <br />and open space, will be another important first <br />step in the PDT/Project Team collaboration. Alta <br />looks forward to facilitating project team coordina- <br />tion with the PDT, as their guidance will add essen- <br />tial value to this project and its products. <br />In consultation with City staff, Alta will develop a <br />list of potential PDT members. Upon agreement <br />Primary Author <br />w; <br />Technical Editor <br />J <br />w: <br />>: <br />W; <br />J •••••• <br />Project Manager < <br />:3 <br />® <br />:w <br />Principal <br />:w <br />E N <br />® <br />J <br />•W <br />:W <br />Primary Author ......•• <br />:w <br />J <br />Principal <br />LEVEL 3 REVIEW <br />NV <br />Client <br />Review of Final Product <br />The Alta team employs a three-tier quality control system <br />which, coupled with our familiarity with city processes, will <br />facilitate the highest /eve/ of OA/OC for the project. <br />6 <br />25B-12 <br />