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Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation <br />Policies and Strategies to include the latest tech- <br />nology and best practices. Alta is the only bicycle <br />and pedestrian planning firm with a department <br />dedicated to planning and implementing education <br />and encouragement components. of non -motor- <br />ized programs. <br />Alta will review existing bicycle and pedes- <br />trian education, encouragement, outreach, and <br />enforcement programs in the City of Santa Ana <br />and at individual schools. Based on community <br />and stakeholder interests, concerns, needs, and <br />resources for programs as well as best practices <br />for model programs, we will develop recommen- <br />dations among the programming "E's" (Education, <br />Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation) <br />through an Equity lens (the fifth non -infrastruc- <br />ture "E"). Recommendations will incorporate Safe <br />Routes to School programs, in -school and city- <br />wide education, marketing campaigns, regular <br />bicycle and pedestrian counts, and more. These <br />findings will be included in the Programs and <br />Policies Chapter, which will include an overview of <br />existing programs and develop a custom suite of <br />new program recommendations, along with a brief <br />description of the equity considerations that should <br />be made (for instance, reviewing how enforcement <br />policies can avoid disproportionately targeting <br />members of disadvantaged communities). <br />The Draft SRTS Plan will be reviewed by City staff, <br />the PDT, and the City Council. The City Project <br />Manager will provide Alta with one consolidated <br />set of non -contradictory comments. The Revised <br />Draft Plan will be presented at the second citywide <br />community meeting to solicit public input. <br />Alta will incorporate feedback and edits from City <br />staff, the PDT, and the City Council into a final Safe <br />Routes to School Plan. This will be reviewed by <br />City staff, the PDT, and the City Council for final <br />approval. The City Project Managerwill provide one <br />consolidated set of non -contradictory comments to <br />Alta for a final round of revisions. Alta will help the <br />City Project Manager to draft the adoption reso- <br />lution, develop presentation materials, and attend <br />one City Council Meeting to present the final SRTS <br />Plan or will assist City staff on the presentation. <br />OPTIONAL TASK: ONLINE MAPPING TOOL <br />Once the school area improvements, recom- <br />mended routes, and improvement corridors are <br />approved by the City and the PDT, Alta will develop <br />an online mapping tool with toggle -able layers <br />showing collision history, demographics, planned <br />improvements, improvement corridors, and photo - <br />simulations. Since the majority of the public does <br />not look at plans and maps on a day-to-day basis, <br />this tool will provide the public a better under- <br />standing of what is being proposed. <br />Alta brings creativity to our visual renderings, <br />adding elements such as public art and potential <br />economic development, to capture the vibrancy of <br />streets and public spaces. We pay special atten- <br />tion to details such as making sure figures shown <br />in renderings depict the people regularly living <br />and visiting the neighborhood and using native or <br />local plants and trees. Alta will prepare up to ten <br />(10) photosimulations of recommended projects <br />to be included in the SRTS Plan. The photosimu- <br />lations will address landscape and urban design <br />elements. <br />Task 5 Deliverables: <br />• Education, Evaluation, Encouragement, and <br />Enforcement Policies and Strategies, with <br />Equity considerations <br />• Recommended Programs and Policies Chapter <br />• Administrative Draft Santa Ana Safe Routes to <br />School Plan <br />• Public Draft Santa Ana Safe Routes to School <br />Plan <br />• Final Santa Ana Safe Routes to School Plan <br />• Slide Deck for Presentation before City Council <br />• City Council Meeting (Up to two (2] Alta staff in <br />attendance) <br />• Online mapping tool with ten (10) project photo - <br />simulations (Optional) <br />7s <br />25B-21 <br />