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FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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12/5/2017 9:18:42 AM
Creation date
11/30/2017 7:29:56 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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(Item 4 was taken out of order.) <br />4. Business License Review: Schedule and Plan (Strategic Plan No. 4, 1) <br />Mayor Pro Tem Martinez stated that this item was brought to her attention by one of her <br />constituents, a Santa Ana small business owner. She stated that specifically for home <br />business licenses, the fee is particularly high. Chair Martinez stated that the City wants to <br />be supportive of the over 31,000 small businesses in Santa Ana, and promote new <br />businesses in our community, and encourage entrepreneurs. Chair Martinez' focus is <br />making fees relate to the market and local community, and suggested surveying local <br />business owners to inquire about the process. <br />Francisco Gutierrez, Finance and Management Services Executive Director, presented a <br />comprehensive analysis of our business tax and rate structure. This analysis was also <br />compared to other cities. Mr. Gutierrez stated that the City plans to meet with the Chamber <br />to Commerce to hear their input and include their feedback. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Martinez stated that the City should also look deeper into Airbnb license <br />revenue. Santa Ana has approximately 8,000 residential rental properties with the potential <br />of being an opportunity. <br />Resident Gil Salmon stated that there are currently requirements that make building a <br />business in Santa Ana difficult. For example, the home occupancy permit for renters need <br />home owner approval to operate a home based business. He also pointed out that Airbnb <br />is all over the City. Mr. Salmon stated that Airbnb automatically remits bed taxes, and noted <br />that revenue can be taxed at the same rate as hotels. <br />2. Update on Fiber Optic Utility Infrastructure / Gigabit Santa Ana (Strategic Plan No. 6, <br />1C; 1E; 1G; 11) (William Galvez, PWA) <br />William Galvez, City Engineer, provided an update for the City's plan to bring dark fiber to <br />Santa Ana, including resident and business use. In April 2016 with the Master Plan update, <br />funding was not provided with the current proposals. Currently, funding is not available. This <br />program is also contingent on the purchase of street lighting. Finance, Public Works and IT <br />are also looking into a combined fiber with wireless capability to make the project <br />sustainable. Mayor Pro Tem Martinez stated that she has been excited for this project, and <br />is looking forward to the next steps. She suggested not being deterred by lack of funding, <br />and should be looking into small cell sites, or partnering with vendors such as Crown Castle, <br />to tie into their fiber. Assistant to the City Manager, Jorge Garcia stated that SB -649 (This <br />bill would provide that a small cell, as defined, is a permitted use, subject only to a specified <br />permitting process adopted by a city or county, if the small cell meets specified <br />requirements) passed legislature and should be signed mid-October. He also stated that 13 <br />states currently have this, and 12 more states are on the docket. The City has reached out <br />to both AT&T and Verizon to get the most value for our citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Martinez <br />requested an update be provided to Council. <br />Economic Development, Infrastructure, Budget & Technology Minutes <br />1 - 2 September 18, 2017 <br />13A-4 <br />
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