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City of Santa Ana, California <br />SECTION 2 - BACKGROUND <br />Section 2. Background <br />The RFP and its attachments contain data about the demographics of the City and historical information <br />related to collection operations including the number of customers, tonnage collected, routes, etc. <br />i I l • •i�fsjilfnral• <br />The information presented in this section and related Attachments are for informational purposes <br />only. Each Proposer should take whatever steps it believes are necessary to determine the actual <br />service requirements of the City and understand service conditions when preparing a proposal. <br />Attachment 4 provides supplemental information on the City service area. Attachments 5 and 6 provide <br />demographic information and detailed service data (including number of customers, tonnage collected, <br />etc.), respectively. Attachment 7 provides current rates for collection services. <br />2.2C®ntract Arrangen7ents for <br />Below is a description of the future contracting arrangements. <br />1. Collection. Contractor will be responsible for collection of solid waste, recyclable materials, <br />organic materials and all non -excluded materials as described in the Agreement. <br />2. Disposal. Contractor will be responsible for transport and disposal of solid waste. <br />3. Recyclable Materials Services. Recyclable Materials processing services will be conducted <br />and/or contracted by the selected contractor. <br />4. Organic Materials Services. Organic Materials processing services will be conducted and/or <br />contracted by the selected contractor. <br />The term of the new Agreement will commence on July 1, 2020, and will continue for ten (10) years, <br />ending June 30, 2030, unless the Agreement is extended in accordance with Article 3.2 of the Franchise <br />Agreement or terminated early pursuant to Article 12.2 of the Agreement. <br />The Term of this Agreement may be extended, at request of the Contractor, and at the sole discretion of <br />the City, by written agreement of the Parties twice for succeeding terms of five (5) years each, provided <br />that Contractor is in compliance with all terms and conditions of the Agreement, according to the <br />process described in Articles 3.2 and 3.3 in the Agreement. <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-21 <br />11/28/17 Page <br />