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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section 3. Scope of Requested Collection Services <br />Contractor -provided bins shall be designed and constructed to be watertight and prevent <br />the leakage of liquids. All bins shall display the Contractor's name, local telephone number, <br />and some identifying inventory or serial number. If a new contractor other than the current <br />service provider is selected for the new Agreement such Contractor may attempt to <br />negotiate the purchase of the existing Commercial bins and roll -off Boxes from the current <br />service provider. <br />3.6.3 Personnel <br />Contractor shall furnish such qualified drivers, mechanical, supervisory, customer service, <br />clerical, and other personnel as may be necessary to provide the services required by this <br />Agreement in a safe and efficient manner. Contractor shall designate at least one (1) qualified <br />employee as the City's primary point of contact with Contractor who is principally responsible <br />for Collection operations and resolution of service requests and complaints. <br />Contractor shall use its best efforts to assure that all employees who interact with Customers <br />present a neat appearance and conduct themselves in a courteous manner. Contractor shall not <br />permit its employees to accept, demand, or solicit, directly or indirectly, any additional <br />compensation, or gratuity from members of the public. <br />The City places a high priority on the retention of employees currently providing services within <br />the City. Proposer shall declare its intent to offer or not a plan to offer employment to eligible <br />employees of the current contractor according to the terms described in AB 1669 Section 1072 <br />(Provided as Attachment 11 of this RFP). Information regarding the number of employees who <br />are performing services under the service contract and the wage rates, benefits, and job <br />classifications of those employees will be provided to bone fide Proposers at least 30 days <br />before proposals are due. Proposers offering employment will be awarded a 10% preference in <br />the evaluation process. <br />3.6.4 Local Purchasing Preference <br />Contractor shall, throughout the Term of the Franchise Agreement, give preference to <br />purchasing materials and supplies used in connection with the Agreement from local vendors <br />within the City or State; and in that order of preference. <br />03® 7 illin , Customer .Service, Recuord <br />Contractor will provide billing services to all Multi -Family, Commercial and Roll -Off service customers. <br />Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement details specific requirements related to billing, customer service, <br />record keeping, and reporting. A summary of some of the requirements follows below. <br />3.7.1 Billing Services <br />Contractor will make available to all Customers an automated billing and payment system at no <br />additional charge. This system should be website based and allow customers to view and pay <br />bills through Contractor's website. Through the Contractor's website, Customers may request to <br />cease paper billing and receive all bills through e-mail and/or Contractor's website. Contractor <br />will ensure that the electronic billing and payment website conforms to industry -standard <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-35 <br />11/28/17 Page 18 <br />