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City of Santa Ana, California <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, M-21 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Attn: Christy Kindig <br />Section 4. RFP Policies, Conditions, and Process <br />Proposals received late will not be considered. Postmarks will not be accepted as proof of <br />receipt. <br />1. Surety <br />Each proposal must be accompanied by surety made payable to "City of Santa Ana" in the <br />amount of $100,000 and in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond. The <br />surety shall be submitted with the proposal in a separate, clearly labeled envelope. The <br />purpose of the surety is to guarantee that the successful contractor will execute a Franchise <br />Agreement with the City. If the selected contractor does not execute the Franchise Agreement <br />within 30 calendar days after receiving notice of the award of Franchise Agreement, the City <br />shall keep the surety to offset the potential cost associated with identification of an alternate <br />service provider and schedule delays and the City has the right to pursue additional and <br />reasonable costs incurred in this event. Checks and bonds will be returned to all Proposers no <br />later than ten calendar days after the City has executed the Franchise Agreement with the <br />successful contractor. If no selection is made within one year of the submission of proposals, <br />each Proposer may demand their proposal surety be returned; however, the City reserves the <br />right to eliminate proposals from such companies from further consideration. <br />2. Administrative Fee <br />Within seven days of execution of the new Agreement, the new Contractor shall remit a one- <br />time payment to the City of Santa Ana. The amount shall include reimbursement to the City for <br />the cost of the procurement consultant, plus the City's out-of-pocket costs incurred in <br />awarding this franchise (e.g. City Attorney costs). The amount shall not exceed $175,000. <br />4.4.5 Step Five—Clarification of Proposal Information and Interviews <br />Proposer may be asked to clarify information through written communications, interviews or <br />during site visits of each Proposer's offices, customer service center, corporation yard and <br />maintenance facilities, and disposal, transfer, and processing facilities. <br />4.4.6 Step Six — Proposer Interviews <br />The City intends to conduct in-person interviews of one or more Proposers. <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-43 <br />11/28/17 Page 26 <br />