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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section S. Submittal Requirements <br />SECTION 5 - SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS <br />Section 5 includes the required proposal outline and a description of the specific information Proposers <br />must include. Proposer must provide the information specified in this section as part of its proposal. <br />Failure to provide all the required information may be grounds for rejection of a proposal. <br />Proposer does not need to reiterate the service requirements of the Franchise Agreement in their <br />proposal. However, Proposer is requested to focus on describing how it plans to provide the services <br />with regard to routing strategies, collection methods, and equipment selection. Furthermore, if a <br />Proposer has presented Wormation for one type of service that is the same for another type of service, <br />Proposer can refer to its previous description rather than reiterating the discussion in its proposal. For <br />example, if Residential solid waste and recyclables collection vehicles are the same, the vehicle <br />description can be provided once for the solid waste service and then referenced for the recyclable <br />materials collection service. <br />Proposer shall present its proposal in accordance with the outline provided in Table 5.1. The RFP section <br />that contains specific information that must be provided by Proposers for each section of its proposal is <br />included in Table 5-1 on the following page. Additional information or data relevant to the proposal is <br />optional and must be included by Proposer as proposal attachments. <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 <br />Page 29 <br />