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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section 5. Submittal Requirements <br />The cover letter shall clearly identify the legal entity or entities submitting the proposal and state <br />whether each is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, or joint venture. The cover letter <br />shall be signed by the designated representative authorized to bind Proposer. Proposer shall <br />acknowledge receipt of any addenda issued as part of this RFP process. <br />Proposer shall provide an executive summary to introduce its proposal and highlight any unique aspects <br />of its approach to providing service to the City. <br />5.4.1 Business Structure <br />Proposer shall include the following in its proposal: <br />1. Confirm that Proposer is authorized to do business in California. <br />2. Identify the legal entity that would execute the Franchise Agreement. State whether <br />each entity is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, or joint venture. Describe <br />in detail the relationship of the Proposer to the executing entity. If the Proposer is a joint <br />venture, describe where the entities have collaborated before. <br />3. State the number of years the entities have been organized and doing business under <br />this legal structure. Proposal must include all the names of company's (and executing <br />entities' if different than company's) owners/stockholders with greater than a 10% holding <br />of the company's total assets. <br />4. Identify other businesses with ownership by principals and/or management. <br />5. Proposer shall describe all services to be performed by subcontractors, and identify <br />each subcontractor by name. Proposer shall describe any current or past working <br />relationship with the subcontractor(s) in the past five years. <br />6. Proposer shall declare its intent to offer or not offer employment to eligible employees <br />of the current contractor as described in Section 3.6.3 of this RFP. <br />5.4.2 Collection Experience <br />Proposer shall describe its experience serving jurisdictions in California (preferably serving jurisdictions <br />of similar or larger size and similar demographics to the City). Proposer's description for each <br />comparable jurisdiction shall include: <br />1. The name of the jurisdiction where the services were provided, commencement date of <br />services and term of the Agreement; <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 Page 31 <br />,r i 46 <br />