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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section S. Submittal Requirements <br />2. Management procedures for managing inquiries and complaints and procedures used to <br />minimize complaints (e.g., missed pick-ups, noise, spills, etc.). <br />3. Description of system capability and/or procedures to ensure timely accessibility of <br />information by jurisdictions served. <br />4. Description as to whether individual call centers are established for each of the <br />Proposer's service areas or if customer calls are handled by a centralized call center, and <br />shall identify the location of the proposed call center. <br />5. Indication as to whether the system is used company -wide or for select jurisdictions <br />(listing which jurisdictions). <br />6. Description of how the customer service information interfaces with route data and <br />billing data, and <br />7. Description of procedures used to satisfactorily respond to, record, and report common <br />customer complaints such as: missed pick-ups; spills and litter resulting from collection; <br />collection schedule changes; broken or missing containers; improperly prepared set -outs; <br />noise complaints; traffic and sidewalk obstruction during collection; and, safety around <br />collection vehicles during operations. <br />8. Description of how the company measures customer service about the call center's <br />responsiveness and accuracy of responses, as well as the quality of collection service. <br />Identify specific performance metrics or targets your company tracks. Provide actual reports <br />for at least three jurisdictions that document the actual performance level against your <br />targets including, at a minimum, average hold times of the customer service call center and <br />missed pick-ups. <br />9. Identify the website that its customers use to obtain customer rates and service <br />information, and to submit inquiries or complaints. Provide website address. <br />10. Provide sample customer billings. <br />11. Description of its procedures for dealing with customer billing demands, during the <br />transition and throughout the term of the Collection Agreement. <br />5.4.5 Key Personnel <br />Provide an organizational chart for key personnel and job descriptions indicating the qualifications and <br />experience of key personnel the Proposer would assign to: (1) the transition team; and, (2) the ongoing <br />management of the services provided under the Franchise Agreement. Specify the amount of time each <br />individual will provide the services specified in the Franchise Agreement. Provide names, and phone <br />numbers of municipal references that have worked with the key proposed management team members. <br />At a minimum, key personnel shall include the general manager, controller, operations manager, route <br />manager(s), customer service manager, maintenance manager, and recycling coordinator or other <br />personnel with similar titles. <br />5.4.6 Past Performance Record <br />1. Criminal Proceedings <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 <br />65A-50 <br />Page 33 <br />