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City of Santa Ana, California Section S. Submittal Requirements <br />5.7.1 Base Cost Proposal <br />Proposer shall be required to submit a complete set of cost forms for the Base Cost Proposal. <br />When Proposers complete the Base Cost Proposal for the core programs (Forms provided as <br />Attachment 8), proposals shall be made based on the following assumptions: <br />1. All collection services described in the Franchise Agreement shall be included in the <br />scope; <br />2. The provision of the collection services shall be governed by the terms and <br />conditions of the Franchise Agreement; <br />3. New services shall commence July 1, 2020; <br />4. For the purposes of preparing the cost proposal, please specify the processing fee to <br />be charged for recyclables materials and organic materials. Please breakout the <br />processing fee to reflect transportation costs/ton and the actual tipping fee or rebate <br />charged at the processing facility <br />5. For the purposes of preparing the cost proposal, the number of accounts, container <br />lifts, and roll -off box pulls to be serviced by contractor shall be as specified on the <br />designated Cost Proposal Form. The account data provided on the cost forms is actual <br />2016 and/or 2017 data. <br />6. For the purposes of preparing the cost proposal, the tonnage collected by the <br />contractor shall be that specified on the designated Cost Proposal Form. <br />7. For the purposes of preparing the cost proposal, the fees to be paid to the City shall <br />include the following (to be updated pending finalization): <br />• X% Franchise Fee <br />• X% SMART Fee <br />The proposed rates shall not include the NDPES Fees, which will be added to the <br />finalized City rates but not included as part of the proposal for the purposes of <br />evaluation. <br />8. Proposers shall propose annualized costs associated with implementation of the <br />new collection services. The Proposer shall estimate one-time implementation costs, <br />annualize the costs over 10 years, and present the annualized costs. The annualized <br />implementation costs shall assume full implementation of new services on July 1, 2020. <br />These implementation costs shall be allocated on the designated Cost Proposal Forms. <br />5.7.2 Alternative Cost Proposals <br />Proposer may present, at its option, alternative cost proposals. If the Proposer prepares an <br />alternative cost proposal they are still required to submit a Base Cost Proposal. These <br />alternative proposals are proposals that are different than the base cost proposals. The <br />alternative cost proposals shall be based on the technical description provided by the Proposer <br />pursuant to Section 3.8 of this document. <br />If a Proposer chooses to present an alternative proposal for a collection strategy other than that <br />discussed in the RFP or Franchise Agreement, Proposer is required to submit an additional, <br />complete set of the Cost Proposal Forms provided as Attachment 8, documenting an alternative <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 Page 38 <br />65A-55 <br />