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6. Upon request, provide Kelly with Information In Its possession relating to any Assigned Employee, Including, but not <br />limited to, Customer timekeeping systems or other records, <br />7. Be responsible for the conduct of Its own officers, employees, and agents; and <br />8. Comply with duties imposed on the recipient of staffing services by law, rule, or regulation, including: <br />a) providing Assigned Employees with suitable seating where required by law, <br />b) providing Kelly with adequate information regarding work by any Assigned Employee that is subject to the Service <br />Contract Act; and, <br />c) using a timekeeping system that (i) complies with applicable federal and state legal requirements and (ii) <br />accurately records in and out times and unpaid breaks of the Assigned Employees, <br />4. Insurance Including Workers' Compensation Coverage, Kelly will maintain during the term of this Agreement at least the <br />following types and limits of Insurance or other coverage: <br />A. Workers' compensation on the Assigned Employees, In amounts no less than required by law; <br />B, Employer's liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000; <br />C. Commercial automobile liability Insurance with a $1,000,000 combined single limit on vehicles owned, leased, or rented by Kelly; <br />D. Commercial General Liability insurance, including bodily Injury, contractual liability, and property damage, with a <br />$1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence; and <br />E. Commercial blanket bond/ (Crime/Fidelity bond) with limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence. <br />Kelly will provide Customer with certificates of this insurance coverage, upon request. <br />S. Billing. <br />A. Invoices. Kelly will Invoice Customer each week for all "Hours Worked" (as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act of <br />1938 and applicable state law) by Assigned Employees at agreed-upon hourly bill rates, Exhibit A lists the rates Kelly will <br />invoice Customer (and any reimbursable expenses). If the Customer's rates are not set out in Exhibit A, Kelly and <br />Customer will agree on rates at the time of an order, which Kelly will record electronically In its systems. Kelly will add to <br />Customer's invoices as a separate line Item: i) any sales or use taxes that apply; and, ii) all costs and administrative fees <br />associated with required background and drug screening. The services billed may be provided by Kelly Services Global, <br />LLC or Kelly Services USA, LLC, affiliates of Kelly, or third -party staffing providers (collectively, "Staffing Providers"). Kelly <br />Is acting solely as a collection agent on behalf of the Staffing Providers in such cases and bears no liability, except as that <br />of collection agent to the Staffing Providers or their customers. Under the reimbursement arrangement between Kelly and <br />Customer, Customer will reimburse Kelly for expenses of Assigned Employees, including meals and entertainment subject <br />to the fifty percent (50%) deduction limitation of Internal Revenue Code Section 274(n), and Customer is subject to the <br />limitation of Code Section 274(n). <br />B, Adjustments. Upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice, Customer agrees that pricing will be adjusted by Kelly annually and, <br />additionally, to reflect increases In wage and related tax, benefit and other costs as the result of any legislative change, <br />agency guidance or determination, order or action, by or under any applicable governmental authority, insurance or benefit <br />program (Including but not limited to, increases in costs for Kelly to comply with the provisions of recent laws or related <br />guidance). Adjustments will be applied as of the effective date of the increased tax, benefit, or cost. Kelly will also adjust <br />pricing for changes in sales, use, or gross receipts taxes. Such Increases will be applied retroactively, If necessary. In <br />addition, Customer agrees to be responsible for any adjustments to wages or benefits required relating to work performed <br />subject to the Service Contract Act. <br />C. Overtime. Assigned Employees are presumed to be "nonexempt" employees— Kelly will pay overtime premiums (and bill <br />Customer accordingly) in accordance with federal and state law and for additional overtime premiums requested by <br />Customer. Kelly will charge Customer overtime rates for all overtime hours Customer requires or permits the Assigned <br />Employees to work. Unless listed in Exhibit A, overtime rates will be calculated by applying to Kelly's bill rate the same <br />overtime multiple as Kelly is required to apply to the Assigned Employee's pay rate. Kelly only will classify Assigned <br />Employees as "exempt" from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 if: (1) the Customer requests that <br />Kelly do so; (2) the Customer signs Kelly's Customer Exempt Request and Agreement; and, (3) Kelly determines that the <br />exemption is valid under applicable law and regulations, subject to the Customer providing Kelly with complete and <br />accurate information concerning the position. <br />D. Record Of Time Worked. Customer agrees to review and approve (by signature or electronically) a record of time worked <br />by Assigned Employees. If a Customer representative Is unavailable, Kelly's representative responsible for the Customer <br />placement (or other Kelly representative authorized by Customer) may approve the record on Customer's behalf. <br />6. Payment Terms. payment for services is due within 30 days of Customer's receipt of Kelly's Invoice. <br />7. Conversion and Transition of Assigned Employees. Customer acknowledges that Kelly Incurs substantial expenses for <br />recruiting, testing, training and retaining its Assigned Employees and Customer agrees to obtain the services of each Assigned <br />Employee only through an order with Kelly. If Customer wishes to obtain the services of an Assigned Employee by hiring them (a <br />"conversion'), or by placement, arrangement, or contract from another source (a "transition), Customer will compensate Kelly at <br />the conversion rates in Exhibit A. <br />8. Issue Resolution and Indemnification. Kelly and Customer expect to resolve any other issues that arise with respect to <br />performance of this Agreement through business discussion and conciliation, In the unlikely event that resolution efforts are <br />2 e146 111/17 <br />Confidential to Kelly Services, Inc, and Customer <br />