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qualified family member; <br />Specified purposes for an employee who is a victim or domestic <br />violence, sexual assault, or stalking. <br />11.2 Bereavement Leave. <br />A. An employee covered underthis MOU shall be granted up to three (3) <br />working days leave without loss of pay in the case of a death of a <br />member of the employee's immediate family. Such leave is <br />designated as bereavement leave. "Immediate family" as used in this <br />section is limited to: <br />Any member of the employee's household related by blood or <br />marriage; <br />2. A parent, parent -in-law, stepparent, spouse, child, brother, sister, <br />stepbrother, stepsister, grandparent or grandchild of the <br />employee, regardless of residence; <br />Any other relative of the employee by blood or by marriage <br />where it can be established by the employee that as a result of <br />such relative's death, the employee's presence is required to <br />handle funeral arrangements and/or matters of estate. <br />Whenever an employee is required to travel one way more than 500 <br />miles to attend to the death of a member of the employee's <br />immediate family, an employee may use up to sixteen (16) hours of <br />additional leave charged to their Personal Necessity Leave balance <br />when authorized by the Department Head. <br />11.3 Military Leave. <br />A. Proof of Orders and Reinstatements. An employee shall be granted <br />military leave if he or she furnishes the Executive Director of Personnel <br />Services satisfactory proof of his or her order to report for duty. Upon <br />return and upon showing of proof of actual service pursuant to such <br />orders, he or she shall be reinstated as provided in Section 143 of the <br />Civil Service Rules and Regulations of the City of Santa Ana. <br />B. Temporary. Members of the reserve forces of the United States, or the <br />National Guard, granted temporary leave when ordered to duty, in <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA(CASA) MOU: 2017-2018 Page 48 <br />25H-52 <br />