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An employee returning to duty with the City shall inform the Department <br />Head and the Executive Director of Personnel Services of his or her intention <br />at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the six (6) month <br />period, or shorter period if the full six (6) months is not taken. Upon receipt of <br />such notice, the Department Head shall take steps necessary to restore the <br />employee to his or her former position. <br />In addition to the above, the City Manager may grant a further extension not <br />to exceed a total of one (1) year leave of absence without pay. <br />11.9 Industrial Leave. Any period of time during which an employee is required to <br />be absent from his or her position by reason of an industrial injury or industrial <br />illness for which he or she is entitled to receive compensation shall not be <br />considered a break in continuous service for the purpose of his or her right to <br />salary adjustments or to the accrual of vacation and seniority. <br />11.10 Pregnancy Disability Leave. A pregnant employee is entitled to a <br />reasonable leave of absence without pay for any temporary disability <br />resulting from pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth or recovery therefrom. Such <br />reasonable leave of absence shall not exceed four (4) months. However, an <br />employee may be granted up to an additional two (2) months of leave, at <br />the discretion of the City Manager, for a total of up to six (6) months in which <br />to recover from the disability if substantiated by a physician's certificate. <br />Employees may take an unpaid leave of absence during pregnancy <br />disability consistent with the law. <br />As with all other temporary disabilities, a physician's certificate is required to <br />verify the extent and duration of the temporary disability. <br />An employee who plans to take a pregnancy leave must give a reasonable <br />notice (not less than four (4) weeks) before the date she shall take the leave <br />and the estimated duration of the leave. Health and welfare insurance <br />coverage shall be continued only if the employee pays a cash premium to <br />continue coverage while on a leave of absence without pay or is covered <br />under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or California Family Rights Act <br />(CFRA) provisions. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2017-2018 <br />25H-54 <br />Page 50 <br />