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B. If the grievant files a written grievance to the Police Chief in the manner and within <br />the time limits specified, then a conference shall be held at the request. of the <br />employee or the Police Chief. <br />C. Police Chief shall inform the employee of his or her action within ten (l 0) calendar <br />days of the conference referenced in subsection (B) above. The original of the <br />grievance form and the Chiet's decision shall be f led in the Personnel Records of the <br />Department. <br />D. If no satisfactory settlement has been reached at the Department level, the employee <br />may, within ten (10) calendar days after being informed by the Police Chief of his or <br />her decision on the-matteri and the reasons thereof, submit the grievance in writing to <br />the City Manager, or his or her duly authorized representative, for determination. <br />Failure of the grievant to take this action will constitute a waiver and bar to the <br />grievance, and the grievance will be considered settled on a basis of the Police <br />Chief's response. <br />E. The City Manager or his or her duly authorized representative, after a.caref it review, <br />shall render a final decision on the merits of the grievance, in writing, and return it to <br />the grievant within thirty (30) calendar`days after receiving the grievance. A copy of <br />the written grievance to the City Manager, or his or her duly authorized <br />representative, and of the City Manager's or his representative's written decision <br />shall be filed in the Personnel Records of the Department and the grievant's <br />personnel jacket maintained in the Personnel Services,Department. <br />F. After the procedures setforthh in this Article have been exhausted, the grievant, the <br />Association, and the City shall have all rights and remedies to pursue said grievance <br />under the law. <br />45 <br />251-47 <br />