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accordance with the provisions set forth in the City Charter and Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code. <br />M. To determine -job classifications and to reclassify employees. <br />N. To hire, transfer, promote and demote employees for nondisciplinary reasons in <br />accordance with this MOU. <br />O. To determine policies, procedures and standards including, butnot limited to, quality <br />and quantity standards and to require compliance therewith. <br />P. To establish employee performance standards including, but not limited to, quality <br />and quantity standards and to require compliance therewith. <br />Q. To maintain order and efficiency in its facilities and operations. <br />R. To establish and promulgate and/or modify'rules and "regulations to maintain order <br />and safety in the City which are not in contravention with this MOU. <br />S. To take any and 'all necessary action to carry out the mission of the City in <br />emergencies. <br />21.2 Except in emergencies, or where the City is required. to make changes in its operations <br />because of the requirements of law, whenever the contemplated exercise of Management's <br />rights shall impact on a significant number of employees of the bargaining unit, the City <br />agrees to meet and confer in good faith with representatives of the Association regarding the <br />impact of the contemplated exercise of such rights prior to exercising such rights, unless the <br />matter of the exercise of such rights is provided for in this MOU. <br />'21.3 Layoffs. During the term of this MOU, the City agrees to meet and confer regarding both <br />the decision and the impact of layoffs to the ranks of Police Commander or Deputy Chief of <br />Police, respectively. <br />21.4 Transfer of Bargaining Unit Work. As required by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, the City <br />agrees to meet and confer prior to the implementation of said transfer as follows: <br />A. Transfer of bargaining unit work from an Association classification to a class not <br />represented by the Association; or <br />B. Transfer of work from a classification outside the Association to a classification <br />represented by the Association. <br />48 <br />251-50 <br />