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Sec. 41-2101. — Definitions. <br />Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires, the definitions <br />and provisions contained in this section shall govern the construction, meaning, and <br />application of words and phrases used in this article: <br />(a) "Development site" shall mean the total land area of a small lot subdivision <br />project after all required dedications for public improvements. <br />(b) "Drive Aisle" shall mean the paved area which has been designated as a <br />vehicle passageway to provide access to a small lot. <br />(c) "Driveway" shall mean the paved area which has been designated to provide <br />access to a dwelling or live -work unit's required parking, starting at a public <br />street or alley, or at the ultimate right-of-way of a common access drive aisle <br />that serves the lot, leading to a garage or uncovered parking space. <br />(d) "Interior lot line" shall mean all lot lines created within the development site for <br />the purpose of subdividing and creating small lots. <br />(e) "Small lot" shall mean a parcel of land created through a small lot subdivision <br />for the purpose of developing it with a single-family residence or live -work <br />unit. <br />(f) "Small lot subdivision" shall mean a residential development containing <br />detached single-family residences or live -work units on land that is subdivided <br />into fee simple parcels containing each unit. <br />Sec. 41-2102. — Applicability. <br />The subdivision of small lots is permitted subject to compliance with the following <br />standards: <br />(a) Eligibility. Small lot subdivisions are permitted in the following districts: <br />(1) In any sub -zone within Specific Development No. 84 (Transit Zoning <br />Code), Specific Plan No. 2 (Harbor Mixed Use Transit Corridor Specific <br />Plan), and Metro East Mixed Use Overlay Zone (OZ -1) where single- <br />family and live -work uses are allowed. <br />(2) Small lot subdivisions may be permitted through the establishment of a <br />specific development district that is established in accordance with the <br />provisions of Division 26 of this code. <br />75J-6 <br />