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a. Private open space shall have a minimum dimension of fifteen (15) <br />feet in each direction. <br />b. Private open space may be provided on the rooftop of dwelling <br />units provided building massing and architectural features serve to <br />screen the open space from neighboring properties that are not part <br />of a small lot subdivision development site and that are used or <br />zoned for single-family residential. <br />(2) In addition to the private open space requirement of subsection (1), small <br />lot subdivisions of ten (10) or more lots shall provide accessible <br />common open space in the amount not less than five (5) percent of the <br />total development size, but shall in no case be less than one hundred <br />(100) square feet per unit. <br />(g) Landscaping. All required yards and areas not designated for walkways, <br />parking, drive aisles, or private open space, shall be landscaped and irrigated <br />in accordance with an approved landscape plan. <br />(h) Driveway Length. <br />(1) A driveway that leads directly to a garage shall have a minimum length of <br />twenty (20) feet if parking will be located in front of the garage. <br />(2) No driveway shall be more than three (3) feet in length if parking is not <br />provided in front of the garage. <br />(i) Service Standards. Developments providing individual trash containers shall <br />provide an area that is screened outside of required setbacks and yards for <br />container storage. Individual trash containers located in a garage shall not <br />encroach into the required parking area. <br />Q) Maintenance Agreement. <br />(1) All areas of a small lot subdivision with five (5) or more parcels subject to <br />a reciprocal access and/or maintenance easement shall be maintained <br />by an association that may be incorporated or unincorporated. <br />(2) Small lot subdivisions with four (4) or less parcels subject to a reciprocal <br />access and/or maintenance easement may execute a maintenance <br />agreement in lieu of requiring an association. <br />(3) A Maintenance Agreement shall be formed, composed of and executed by <br />all property owners, to maintain all common areas and appurtenances <br />such as trees, landscaping, water treatment facilities, trash, parking, <br />driveways, drive aisles, walkways, private water lines, meters, etc. <br />Each owner and future property owners shall automatically become <br />members of the agreement and shall be subject to a proportionate <br />share of the maintenance and related costs. The Maintenance <br />Agreement shall be recorded as a Covenant and Agreement to run <br />75J-8 <br />