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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street and Memory Lane Intersection Improvements —Project No. 17-6883 <br />The Project's design concept and scope have not changed significantly from what was analyzed in the RTIP and <br />FTIP. This analysis found that the plan and, therefore the individual projects contained in the plan, are conforming <br />projects and would have air quality impacts consistent with those identified in the SIPS for achieving the NAAQS. <br />The FHWA determined the RTIP to conform to the SIP. <br />The proposed widening of Bristol Street, from Memory Lane to 17r Street has been included in the FTIP since <br />1992. The FTIP gives priority to eligible Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) identified in the SIP and <br />provides sufficient funds to provide for their implementation. The FHWA determined the FTIP to conform to the <br />SIP on December 16, 2016. No significant impacts would occur. Implementation of the proposed Project would not <br />result in greater impacts than previously analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. <br />Furthermore, the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) is designated by the state and US Environmental Protection <br />Agency (EPA) as nonattainment for ozone (03), and particulate matter 2.5 microns in diameter or less (PMzs) and <br />attainment/maintenance for carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter 10 microns in diameter or less PM1o. The <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) developed regional emissions thresholds to determine <br />whether or not a project would contribute to air pollutant violations. If a project exceeds the regional air pollutant <br />thresholds, then the project would substantially contribute to air quality violations in the SCAB. In addition, a <br />project would also contribute to air pollutant violations if localized emissions result in an exceedance of the ambient <br />air quality standards (AAQS). <br />The proposed Project would be consistent with the Major Arterial designation of the City of Santa Ana General Plan <br />Circulation Element and the County of Orange's Master Plan of Arterial Highways. Additionally, the Project would <br />improve traffic flow, maintain vehicle capacity, reduce idling and result in a reduction in air pollutant emissions as <br />was previously analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. Thus, no new or substantial increase of impacts have been <br />identified and no new mitigation measures are required. <br />Certifled 1990 FEIS/FIR Mitigation Measures: No 1990 FEIS/EIR mitigation measures are applicable <br />Mitigation Measures: No additional new mitigation measures are required. <br />b) violate my air quality standard or contribute substmrtiaIIy to an existing or projected air quaffiy <br />violation? <br />All proposed areas of acquisition include vacant portions of commercial and multi -family residential properties. <br />These vacant areas consist of dirt, paving/asphalt or omamental landscaping. The Project proposes to change the <br />existing street section from a total ROW width of 100 feet to 111 feet, which is a nominal increase over what was <br />previously analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. No structure modification/demolition would be required as part of these <br />new partial acquisitions to accommodate the Project As determined in the 1990 FEIS/EIR, short -tern construction <br />emissions from the Project would be below the SCAQMD's significance thresholds for all criteria pollutants, <br />including PM10 and PMis, even in the absence of specific dust reduction measures. Construction phasing for the <br />proposed Projectwould be similar to the construction activities and phasing described in the 1990 FEIS/EIR for the <br />Project Therefore, the construction emissions would be similar to those in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. It has been <br />determined that construction emissions would not violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an <br />existing or projected air quality violation. Thus, impacts are considered less than significant <br />Because emissions were found to be below the SCAQMD's significance thresholds, Project related construction <br />emissions are not considered by the SCAQMD to result in a significant air quality impact In addition, mitigation <br />measures included in the 1990 FEIS/EIR would further reduce construction -related air quality impacts. <br />The proposed Project would improve traffic flow and reduce idling, as the Projectwould add one additional through <br />lane and this configuration was analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. The modifications to the 1990 FEIS/EIR would add <br />more ROW to the existing right -tum lane and serve to increase traffic flow through the intersection, but would not <br />increase the overall road capacity, previously considered lane configuration, or air quality impacts disclosed in the <br />1990 FEIS/EIR The proposed Project would result in the same operational air emissions as that considered in the <br />1990 FEIS/EIR, which were below SCAQMD thresholds. Thus, no new or substantial increase of impacts have <br />been identified and no new mitigation measures are required. <br />Final I December 2017 3-5 Environmental Consequences <br />