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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street and Memory Lane Intersection Improvements —Project No. 17-6883 <br />would not result in the physical deterioration of recreational facilities. No mitigation measures are required with <br />regards to recreational resources. Impacts would not be greater than thatpreviously analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. <br />Certified 1990 FEIS/EIR Mitigation Measures: No 1990 FEIS/EIR mitigation measures are applicable <br />Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation measures are required. <br />Al Does the project include recreational fac>Tities or require the construction or expansion of <br />recreationalfacilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? <br />Refer to Response 3.15(a). The proposed Project does not include, nor would it require, construction or expansion <br />of recreational facilities. Therefore, no adverse physical impact on the environment would occur from such facilities <br />as a result of the proposed Project No mitigation measures are required. Impacts would not be greater than that <br />previously analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. <br />Certified 1990 FEIS/EIR Mitigation Measures: No 1990 FEIS/EIR mitigation measures are applicable <br />Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation measures are required. <br />k%[cam III "MZ69141AfAdIs] :lYd'"JJN <br />This section corresponds with the 1990 FEIS/EIR, Section IV, En ironmental Consequences and Mitigation <br />Aleasures, Subsection U, Impacts to Transportation Facilities, and Subsection V, Construcitonlmpacir. <br />Would the project: <br />a) Conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance or policy establishing measures of effectiveness for the <br />Performance of the circulation system, taking into account all modes of transportation including <br />mass transit andnoromotont edhowel andrelevant components of the circulation system, including <br />but not limited to intersections, streets, highways andfreeways, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and <br />mass transit? <br />The proposed Project is consistent with the applicable plans, ordinances and policies establishing measures of <br />effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system as described in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. The widening of <br />Bristol Street was designated in the Orange County Master Plan, and was recommended in the Bristol Street <br />Corridor Study—Final Report, prepared by Motile, Grover & Associates, dated 1983. It was also recommended in <br />the Arterial Highway Element —.Banda Ana Element — Smta Am Transportation Corridor State H Alternative <br />Analysis, prepared by Parsons, Brinekerhoff, Quade and Douglas, Inc., dated 1983. The proposed Project is also <br />consistent with the recommendation found in the Intercity Liaison Committee — Five -Year Trmsportafion Study <br />Update to 1990, prepared by Basmaciyan-Darnell, Inc., dated 1985. Furthermore, the proposed Project would <br />improve traffic operations through the Project corridor. Based on traffic count data provided as part of the Akarure <br />Al2 Comprehensive Trmrportafion Fuming Program Call for Projects, prepared by the City of Santa Ana, for the <br />Orange County Transportation Authority, dated October 20, 2016, the existing Level of Service (LOS) at the Bristol <br />StreebMemory Lane intersection is LOS C in the AM Peak Hour and a LOS E during the PM Peak Hour. Upon <br />completion of the proposed Project, the Peak Hour LOS at this intersection would be improved to a LOS B in the <br />AM Peak Hour and a LOS D in the PM Peak Hour. Therefore, the Project would result in an overall beneficial <br />impact pertaining to traffic and would notbe greater than that previously analyzed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. <br />Certified 1990 FEIS/EIR Mitigation Measures: No 1990 FEIS/EIR mitigation measures are applicable <br />Mitigation Measures: No new additional mitigation measures are required. <br />b) Conflict with an applicable congestion management program, btelu ding, but not limited to level of <br />service standards and travel demand measures, or other standards established by the county <br />congestion management Weneyfor designatedroads or highways? <br />Final I December 2017 3-25 Environmental Consequences <br />