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EXHIBIT 12 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />WOMEN OWNED/MINORITYBUSINESS OWNED ENTERPRISES <br />(W/MBE) GOOD FAITH EFFORT'S <br />Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 85 § 85.36 (e) of Code of Federal Regulations, contractor must take all necessary <br />affirmative steps to assure that minority business firms, women's business enterprises and labor surplus Finns are <br />used whenever possible. <br />Contractor shall submit the following information to demonstrate that a goof faith effort has been made to comply <br />with the above section of the Code of Federal Regulations. snbmitta9 of this form, in and of itself, may not <br />provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate that goof faith effort was made, Documentation such as <br />copies of advertisement, letters of solicitation, telephone logs, rejected quotes, etc. should accompany this <br />form. <br />1. The names and dates of advertisement of each newspaper, trade paper, and minority -focus paper in which a <br />request for W/IVIBE participation for this project was placed by the bidder: <br />Names 9f Newspaper <br />Slate of Advertisement <br />Fogow.up Methods <br />and Dates <br />J `'B oC� !ll ' N <br />Q.l <br />Pwo e b <br />2. The names and dates of written notices sent to W/MBF. soiieitin.a bids for this project and methods used for <br />following up initial solicitation to determine with certainty whether the W/MBE were interested. <br />Names of <br />W/MBE Solicited <br />Dates of <br />solicitation <br />Fogow.up Methods <br />and Dates <br />J `'B oC� !ll ' N <br />Q.l <br />Pwo e b <br />3. The items of work which the bidder made available to W/MB.F firms, including, where appropriate, any <br />breaking down of the contracts into economically feasible units to facilitate W/MBE participation, and the <br />information furnished to W/MBE such as plans; specifications, and requirements for the work. <br />Items of Work 'Q,Ar,6 r, JU <br />Breakdown of Items: 1 4-`, WQ`" mo c S <br />Information Furnished: V NjQ,A --- 1 K• ���pt� F �e�- <br />F:NOGSPHUPSVCS!VIUDFOitAS�MHU5a0JAMD - 50CEOOSpea.Def; <br />23A-46 <br />a <br />