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City of Santa Ana RFP 17-072 1 Statement of Qualifications (Revised 11/9/17) �i r <br />2 AGREEMENTSTATEMENT <br />Chazey Partners, as the Proposer, has thoroughly examined and accepts the Terms and Conditions of <br />this RFP as described below: <br />A. Examination of RFP 17.072: Proposer represents that it has thoroughly examined and become <br />familiar with the services and responsibilities required under RFP No. 17-072 and that it is <br />capable of effectively and efficiently performing quality work to achieve the City's objectives. Any <br />attachments referenced herein, or any interpretations, clarifications or amendments subsequently <br />posted In the relation to this RFP are fully incorporated as part of RFP No. 17-072. <br />B. Execution of Agreement: The City and the selected Proposer will enter into an Agreement similar <br />to that as shown on Exhibit B of this RFP. If a Proposer Is unwilling or unable to execute an <br />Agreement within thirty (30) days after being notified of selection under this RFP, the City reserves <br />the right to select the next most qualified Proposer or call for new Proposals, whichever the City <br />deems most appropriate. <br />C. Proposal Validity: Services, pricing and warranties indicated in a respondent's Proposal must be <br />valid for a period of 120 days after the submission of the Proposal. <br />D. Pre -Contractual Expenses: Santa Ana shall not, in any event, be liable for any pre -contractual <br />expenses incurred by Proposers In the preparation of Its proposal. <br />E. Joint Offers/Subconsultants: Where two or more Proposers desire to submit a single Proposal In <br />response to this RFP, they should do so on a prime-subconsultant basis. The City intends to <br />contract with a single firm and not with multiple firms doing business as a joint venture. Should <br />the use of subconsultants be offered, the Proposer shall provide the same assurances of <br />competence for the subconsultant plus the demonstrated ability to manage and supervise the <br />subcontracted work. Subconsultants shall not be allowed to further subcontract with others for <br />work under the Agreement. The provisions of the Agreement shall apply to all subconsultants in <br />the same manner as the Proposer. <br />3 UNDERSTANDING OF NEED <br />3,1 SCOPE <br />3.1.1 City of Santa Ana <br />Santa Ana is the financial and governmental center of Orange County, the second largest city in Orange <br />County, and the eleventh largest in California. Six Council members and the Mayor govern the City. <br />In 2014, the City adopted a 5 -year Strategic Plan. The Plan includes a vision, mission, guiding principles, <br />multi-year goals, objectives and strategies per goal, and a plan for implementation and accountability. <br />One of the multi-year goals acknowledged that the City continues to face increasing demands for service <br />with limited resources. This challenge provides an opportunity for the organization to become innovative <br />and efficient in the delivery of City Services. An important strategy for accomplishing this goal is to <br />"create a culture of innovation and efficiency within the organization" with the accompanying guidance <br />(5.e) to "identify best practices and opportunities for process improvement and automation across City <br />departments in order to provide effective and efficient delivery of City services to the community." <br />3.1.2 Public Works Agency <br />The City of Santa Ana Public Works Agency (the "Agency") is responsible for building and maintaining <br />all public streets, storm drains, sewers, and water facilities. Responsibilities include traffic management, <br />the City's drinking water systems, refuse collection and recycling, street sweeping, and landscaping <br />public right -of way. Consistent with the Strategic Plan innovation and efficiency guidance cited above, <br />the Agency is evaluating the business practices of the Administrative Services Financial Services Section <br />(the "Section") to understand operational changes that they can implement Immediately and into the <br />future. In addition, the Agency seeks to ensure that Its grant management and reporting is in compliance <br />with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance. <br />Chazey Partners Revised per email communication request 10/31/17 <br />20A-39 <br />