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City of Santa Ana RFP 17-072 1 Statement of Qualifications (Revised 11/9/17) • <br />Figure 1: Five Phase Approach to Transformation <br />PHASE 1 <br />ROADMAk <br />SOPTWAR6 <br />5H16CT1ON <br />& 000311 <br />This proposal covers all phases of work in this five -phase approach which we have mapped to support <br />your plans and needs: Phase 1: Roadmap, Software Selection & Design and Phase 2: Build, Implement <br />and Stabilize, as identified in Figure 1. Phase 1 starts as a streamlined phase of work to enable a broad <br />scope across end-to-end Finance & Administrative services. At the start of this stage, the opportunities <br />for the Agency have not yet been defined and prioritized. Thus, the initial efforts will be higher-level to <br />avoid the project team getting lost in detail, while ensuring thatthey have capacity to consider all available <br />opportunities. Phase 1 will progress, closing with a concise view of the planned future state providing <br />clearly defined documentation of procedures, roles and responsibilities and software system <br />requirements leading to the selection of the appropriate tool that will facilitate streamlined process <br />improvements, provide the ability to have data readily available for budgeting and reporting purposes, <br />and can be interfaced with the City's Enterprise Management System. <br />Phase 2 will construct the systems and processes to achieve the future state, and operationalize the <br />future state solution. Operationalizing the future state design will span organizational, procedural and <br />systemic changes. We will provide support for change enablement, communications, training, adoption <br />of new roles, responsibilities and procedures, and integration of new software into daily work practices. <br />We will ensure that Agency personnel can easily access both pre -designed and ad hoc data to support <br />budgeting and reporting as needed. The stabilization piece of this phase is critical to ensure that workload <br />is optimized and operating the way it was designed. The net result of Phase 2 will be a new way of <br />operating, in line with the Agency's vision, in a more efficient and effective manner. <br />Critical Success Factors <br />There are four main critical success factors for any top performing organization: client, process, <br />technology and people. These critical success factors are shown in Figure 2 below. In many <br />organizations, there is a focus on process optimization and technology, with some consideration usually <br />given to ensuring the right people are in place and trained to do the work. As we discussed in our initial <br />Interview, it is equally important to focus on the needs of the client (internal and external) and <br />stakeholders, especially In a City/Municipal context. In our project, we will Incorporate required <br />interactions with other City agencies and departments, responsibilities and accountabilities to the City <br />Council, and most importantly, the needs of the citizens and businesses in Santa Ana, as served by the <br />Agency. <br />Chazey Partners Revised per email communication request 10/31/17 <br />20A-41 <br />